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Everything posted by BluedevilinWHS

  1. I believe the The Spirit of Waxahachie Indian Band will make an unforgetable impacted pop next year!!!
  2. I think the judges had misjudgements on the placement of the bottom 4 ranks in finals. I and many other educated spectators thought that Aledo, Roma and New Braunfels should have either gotten a lower rank or should have not made finals. Waxahachie and Dickinson had really strong shows and executed them extremely well and SHOULD have made the finals, especially Waxahachie's. They kicked butt, yet missed it by 3 points, I do not think that was right, but all did awesome jobs and are truly the 21 best bands in the nation!! CONGRATS!
  3. Seguin did a good job, but they were dirty and they had alot of phasing problems. But they are still in the top 21 bands in the Nation!! GOOD JOB!!
  4. I am so on edge about the contest tuesday!! I don't think I can wait much longer!! I am so excited yet at the same time kinda nervous....does any one else feel what I'm sayin'?
  5. I know of schools that have this problem, yet still manage to go out and kick butt. I'm just wondering.
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