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Everything posted by principalagent

  1. The priorities of programs like Broken Arrow and Tarpon Springs (and Union) make it such that San Antonio is very unlikely. Carmel and Blue Springs are much more likely to return. Schools like Dobyns-Bennett or Homestead or Marian Catholic don’t have the resources financially to make a Texas trip. I can’t see Castle making a trip, but not necessarily due to financial reasons either (Southern Indiana is far from rich, but Castle doesn’t draw from a poor area either). And Wando just doesn’t travel, but they have the resources to come if they wanted.
  2. They fully earned their final spot with an extremely complex and well-designed show, and their students achieved a lot on the field and had the run of their lives. Period.
  3. Here’s my hot take. Texas bands hype their GN trips too much and craft shows that are too hard, too half-baked, and/or too over-developed (yes, simultaneously!) that’s why we’ve been left with disappointing results the past couple of years and probably this year as well. Of course, we aren’t as fortunate as Carmel and Avon (and even BA) to have GN be our normal. There’s no such thing as a Grand Nationals trip for them. But what every Texas band did the years before they go to GN was perfectly fine. Yes, a standard fare visual program in the state won’t cut it and does need to be stepped up, but the GN programming isn’t working on the whole for bands that have shows in other years that would easily medal or take the eagle.
  4. WGI kinda does this themselves. They keep power rankings throughout the season and apply points to shows for every week it’s been since they last performed to make it slightly easier to compare between units in the same class.
  5. In my perfect world they both medal with Carmel. Keeping my fingers crossed hard!
  6. You missed “each” in “each Prelims.” It’s max 42. 2 per day.
  7. They wouldn’t ever do seven, because you could in theory knock out the visual judges or have your music be under-weighted. It would take them moving to nine judges, then doing Olympic Style between captions to still get 3-2, which is kind of costly to UIL.
  8. Carmel KILLED IT. Pack it up early - it’s theirs to lose. Also think Marcus can dark horse for a medal.
  9. 12 in finals. Semis depends, but will likely land at 38 this year - the most ever!
  10. Short answer: A criminal charge against their director created an avalanche of director changes, program changes and a requisite drop in student morale. This led to their first regional loss in years, and the talk of the town regarding them is not very positive. The masses are split on if they'll make finals or not, and if they do, how much will be because they "earned" it or "their name."
  11. Two whole classes of kids have come and gone from my alma mater since I graduated, and I’m still attending BOAs. I went to college in a relatively devoid BOA area of the country (though very strong for USBands), but started attending Area and BOA SA while home on break towards the end of my time in college. I fell in love with the art itself while I was in high school, which it made it exceedingly difficult for me to shake upon graduation relative to someone for which it was simply an extracurricular. Additionally, my high school band experienced a huge renaissance since my graduation (and pretty sure I’m outing my affiliation here), which further held my interest in the activity. Now, I’m about to leave the state again for grad school, so last weekend was my last SA for a while, and this weekend *might* be my last Grand Nationals for a while depending on where I end up. Back to webcasts!
  12. I can't decide how I feel about this competition now that the big boys like Longview, Atascocita, Kingwood and Kingwood Park and others don't go anymore. It seems to be holding on to the past a little more than necessary.
  13. I imagine they all chose Thursday so they weren't locked into an early Friday slot. Additionally, they'll have more time to clean and fix what was on the tapes and comments from Thursday. Round Rock usually charters a flight, but I wonder if they chose to drive this time around. Monday is a little early for a GN send-off if you're flying.
  14. I watched every band this weekend except one, and SO MANY bands made ridiculous improvements from anytime I've ever seen them over the past decade or so I've been in/following the activity. I'm sure some people are going to complain about inflation, but personally, I did see 15 Box 5 bands, about ~35 bands who would have made another Super Regional Finals, and 52 Division 1 bands this weekend. Texas bands are only getting better and better and pushing each other, and watching the state truly become the pinnacle of the activity is inspiring. Usually, I think that San Antonio only passed up Nationals in quality from 4th place through 20-25th place. I would say that this was the first year where the depth into the 30s and 40s surpassed Grand Nationals in the 40s-60s. And I think this is also the first year where I believe that it's truly possible the three medalists would all hold onto their medals at GN (but 2013 is close!) Band is just better in Texas, and this weekend proved it for good. Anyone who took the field over the last couple of days should be so proud of what they accomplished with their bandmates, regardless of placement.
  15. CTJ's pre-show this year is my favorite pre-show of all time. My first year in band was in the mid-late 2000s when the trend began (thanks Bell!), so I've seen the concept grow and develop first-hand, and CTJ's usage of "Above the Treetops" is simply fantastic for the mood it sets.
  16. Carmel coming to Texas in 2002 was humbling, but there’s no doubt that their win was very responsible for the huge changes Texas has made in visual in the 15 years since. Avon bringing their visual to Texas will, I believe, do much of the same. It was an honor to see you, and I can’t wait to fly to Indy and see it again this weekend!
  17. HEBRON WHAT. I could never grasp triple tonguing when I played my instrument - and then Hebron has their whole brass section do it on the move. Not to mention the double tonguing woodwinds. On the move. If they lose Best Music, I propose we riot.
  18. Vista Ridge is DEFINITELY in finals from my view at the stadium. Was completely on fire and everything locked and hit perfectly. A clear first place so far.
  19. If my phone alarm does not fail me, I will be at the AlamoDome in time for the first band tomorrow. Can’t wait for a fantastic weekend!
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