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Everything posted by ikilledabird39

  1. ... make a separate post about it on the forum.
  2. I realize the process that is used to determine a tie. Which is why i said that the way that they broke the tie was wrong. And from what i can understand, they did an actual vote, not the process that was supposed to be used.
  3. College Park and who ever got 10th Tied. College park ended up getting the boot because supposedly the judges voted for who would go on, which is not how it is supposed to be done. Also, one of the Judges gave College park a 1.
  4. It is because the contest is the sam day as area. Ill be there though. Im working it actually because i go to SHSU and we have to work the contest.
  5. Hi guys. I havent been on here in about a year and wanted to share a great site with you all. I searched for it in the forum to make sure im not posting something thats already been posted but i didnt find anything. If your fining yourself kinda bored before band camp starts, head over to http://www.micromarching.com . Im sure most of you would like it, especially if your into writing drill. You make your own account and then write your drill with a small corp. You can have up to 32 sets. The site creator, Joe, is adding new stuff to the site constantly. If a few weeks, there will be custom uniforms and a whole bunch of other stuff that he hasnt told us about. Head on over and join our little family. Here is a sample show that you can make. http://micromarching.com/show/6lb/the-mml-renaissance Again, sorry if this has already been posted.
  6. Ya, thats College Parks Truck. We still dont have much money since it is only our third year, so one of the bass drum players dad owns that truck and is kind enough to drive it for us. We used it to take the drumline to a comp. earlier in the year and took a really cool picture with the whole drumline. Ill post the picture if i can find a copy of it.
  7. Hopefully the rule will be to lessen the weight of GE.
  8. o ya, and good luck at Brazoswood at loan star next week. I cant wait to see you guys again. Really, I think your show is amazing.
  9. I agree. Beat them with your music. But really... This contest was not very good i think. I totaly agree with somekid. Regan is not up to par as the other bands were. They were dirty musicly and visualy. But what they did have is GE. The one thing that i dont like about BOA is the weight of GE. 40% is to much in my opnion. Regan is a good band and does a lot of things good, but this was not their night. Brazoswood got cheated. Their music was by far the best that i saw (no i didnt see every band, but I saw most of the top bands) and their drill was clean unlike a lot of bands. The one thing that they lacked was GE. I really am disapointed with how this BOA contest turned out. Yes Im mad that my band didnt make it after having one of our best performances. But I feel even more sorry for all the people at Brazoswood that were going nuts when they had their name called for getting the music caption to only find out 5 minutes later that they didnt make finals. I wanna let all the Brazoswood people know that i think you deserved to be in the top and your show was sick. Ill say it again. I dont see how the band that wins the music caption doesnt make finals at a MUSIC contest. (sorry for the crapy spelling. Its to late for me to think)
  10. I still dont get how the band that wins the Music caption doesnt make finals at a MUSIC contest?????
  11. Ive now heard that Oak Ridge has pulled out also, although they are still on the schedule.
  12. Ive heard from mutiple sources that The Woodlands HS has pulled out also.
  13. I've heard that Westfield and Langahm Creek may pull out. If its true I wish that our band could take Westfields slot so we dont have to play at freaking 9:15.
  14. I know, sad to think that I will never learn another set in HS again.
  15. College Park just finished our show today. We just need to clean the end of our closer.
  16. Hey, who is this? Do you go to CP?
  17. Who do you think will make finals? I say... Alvin Brazoswood Clements Freindswood Hendrickson Oak Ridge Spring The Woodlands College Park ill leave 2 spots open in case they fill the remaining 4 spots.
  18. Brazoswood Cy-Falls Bowie Langham Ronald Reagan Spring SFA The Woodlands College Park The Woodlands Westfield Churchill Pearland Klein Clear Brook All of thoes bands can make it for sure. It will be a hard contest. my picks are... Brazoswood Bowie Langham Ronald Reagan Spring SFA The Woodlands College Park The Woodlands Westfield Churchill
  19. I think that they need to keep it the same as regionals. Top half gets to preform in the later half of finals and lower half preforms in the first half of finals.
  20. Yes, the woodlands went first back in 2004 and they droped from 4th place in semifinals to 7th in finals, droping them 3 spots. Same thing happened this year. They went first and droped 3 spots.
  21. I like it how the first 4 bands to preform were either Class Chams or 2nd and 3rd in semifinals, and they all got generaly lower. *Besides LD Bell
  22. The Scores are up on the BOA website. They have been up for about 10 minutes
  23. The same thing happened to the woodlands 2 years ago. 2004 they went from 4th to 7th. this year, 1st to 4th. Both years they droped 3 places. O well, At least the woodlands can walk away saying the were the Class Champs.
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