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Everything posted by Jackson1

  1. My ranking is there are not enough finalist spots for how many incredible bands there are. AND we have 30 more tomorrow?? Holy cow Texas has a lot of amazing bands!!!
  2. @Rubisco - Missing your input on San Antonio. Any input? You are usually spot on.
  3. Amazing that Flomo, Hebron and Marcus almost randomly drew Back to back to back. What are the chances?
  4. Great commentary. Keep it coming!! Wish I was there to see all of theses great bands!
  5. A LOT of seconds and thirds though......
  6. As crazy as this is, Hebron has only won a couple of regional competitions. They have never won a "Major" prior to this week.
  7. Do not believe they have ever done an encore. Didn't at SA.
  8. It's amazing how many INCREDIBLY TALENTED band programs there are in Texas!!!!
  9. Awesomeness!!!
  10. full retreat?
  11. How about we put all this behind us and focus on the incredible talent and hard work these kids put in every year. Regardless of school, district or state. There are amazing shows being put on everywhere. Lets focus on that. Go marching band everywhere!!!!!!!
  12. All I can say about Hebron is WOW!!!! Another band in the hunt for sure.
  13. OK. Any thoughts on these incredible bands. Hard to choose 5 to move on. Predictions?
  14. How did all the bands do today. Any thoughts? Did anyone really stand out? Predictions? Good luck to all bands!!
  15. Is anyone attending this contest that could share their thoughts about all of these great bands today. Unfortunately I can’t make it out there today. Thx
  16. Hebron is planning on going to GN in 2019 I believe. Can’t speak to Flomo and Marcus. There was talk of a rotational system but it was never “official’”. I think it is more up to each school.
  17. Great post. My only disagreement would be Hebron winning SA on a state year. Historically since 2012 they tend to place 4-7 at SA and 2nd at state on state years. Not bad but always out of the medals on even years. Bands like Johnson and the Woodlands put out a BOA show every year. Bands like Hebron put out 2 types of show. State year shows and non state year shows. I don’t understand, not being a music educator, why two types of shows. If 2017 was a state year they would have placed second at SA and maybe 1st at state. Why not put on that type of show every year? Idk just saying historically I’d be surprised to see Hebron win on a state year. Would love for it to happen but don’t see it happening
  18. Marcus already has multiple regional wins but I agree they will be in the running to win Waco.
  19. I remember watching Duncanville warming up in 2012 before a BOA event and thinking “dang this band is good!!”. They did not participate but were hosting. Every band has a high standard to uphold in north DFW. Duncanville has always risen to the occasion. I am looking forward to seeing their show this year. I am sure it will be incredible.
  20. That is a bummer. I get the 6A bands not going on a state year but there are so many awesome 5A bands out there in Texas. When was the last time no Texas band attended GN? Can’t be often. I have a feeling we may go fro famine to feast in 2019 at GN with regards to Texas bands. One can hope anyway. I think SA may be incredible again this year.....
  21. When was the last time a Texas band has not been in finals at GN?
  22. From a DFW resident I hope The Waco Regional gains some traction. It is in the middle of Houston, San Antonio/Austin, and Dallas. It would be great to see some of these bands go head to head prior to San Antonio. I would drive 21/2 hours to see LISD SOUTH VS LISD NORTH before SA. Woodlands, Johnson, Vandy vs Flomo, Hebron, Marcus. It could be a great Regional if bands are willing to do the 2-3 hour drive. Being such a big state there isn’t enough cross pollination prior to SA. I hope bands from all over sign up.
  23. Where did the LISD north trio end up? They were in area B, which was probably happy to see them go, but what area did they end up in. Bands in that area probably were not that excited to see them join their area with regards to UIL qualifying. I hope it is an area with a large number of bands.
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