i know for a fact it isnt Bells for Stokowski. totally new concept. we just named it bells because of the way it sounds. As for who the composers are for the show, I don't remember. I can get you the composers asap.
James Bowie. As far as we know, our show is called
Kinda funny that's the name of friscos '07 show.
But the musical arrangement is amazing. Should be a tight senior year.
Macys here we come!
that would seriously scare the crap out of me. Like you know the one commercial where he wakes up and the king is just like, there...at his bedside with a omelet or something....That would scare me so much. The king and clay-mation things...just scare me...
I'm guessing Akins Band is Bowies "rival" because one if our directors transfered to their band and they have improved a lot!!! But its turning out that (I hope I am wrong) that our friendly rivalry is turning into the Churchhill and Reagan rivalry.
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I think Bowie (us) will do well but also the woodlands will do well (most likely better than us) but idk our show is awesome but its not refined at all :-/
So jumping ahead who do you think will own at super regionals??
Speaking of using concert instruments, we were supose to have F. Horns durring the "pre-show" but it never happened. But then again it could of also been a rumor...
We have all the movements down, but are still working with the last 5 sets of the fourth/closer. I'm extremely excited about next saturday at BOA Houston.
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James Bowie HS, Austin, TX