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Everything posted by azn

  1. ALLEN GOT ROBBED. #JUSTICEFORALLEN All banter aside, that really sucks but stuff like that happens ex. Bwood getting DQ'd in 2016
  2. I don't know how long is Berkner's 1st Division streaks but it's at least 53 by now
  3. I kinda wish there was a Texas version of HornRank
  4. I'm still largely baffled how a band can jump from 32 to 8th
  5. I have a small disdain towards Hornrank wish there was a Texas version of HornRank
  6. My name is Grayson. I'm a Lloyd V. Berkner Alumnus Class of 2016. I played Clarinet and Bass Clarinet but I now additionally play Piano, Steel Drums and Alto Saxophone
  7. I wish they had finals because the rain had already cleared out
  8. RIP IndianaMarching.com one of the best source for marching band especially in Indiana. It's sad to see another source leave
  9. This is going to be one interesting year judging from last year's performance.
  10. Don't forget that more than 12 bands can advanced to finals anyways... If there are 36 or more bands in Prelims the bands ranked in the top twelve places will automatically advance to the Finals. In addition any band below twelfth place that receives a ranking of three or higher from at least two of the music judges and one of the marching judges will also advance to the finals.
  11. It's hard to pick favourites when the only ones I have seen were the ten bands that made finals in UIL Area C Contest even then, I was just mindblown by all of the bands that it was hard to pick favorite. I was just in awe in each one. I know I almost cried because one of the bands actually made have the tears of joy and boyyyy and then there is FLOWEEEEEEEEEEER MOUND LIKE HOLLLLLY CRAPPPP. xD
  12. Not sure what you mean by underdog anyways. And it could be what the person said in the quote^ or it could mean a band that has never made finals before or made top 5 before.
  13. Yep, it was really weird. I guess they should fix the website.
  14. I discovered that there is only 29 6A bands according to the Area C Page pdf, completely contrary to the TMEA Region Alignment Map! Apparently Naaman Forest is a 5A band but on the Alignment Map it is a 6A band. The confusion is real but that means unfortunately that only 5 bands can advance unless this crap is sorted out.
  15. I'm pretty sure other states have limits too maybe not an 8 hour rule but probably a 10 hour rule or something
  16. and 1 band not from texas
  17. Oops, sorry I must had missed that part xD Mckinney I would put under the same category as JJ pearce because Pearce was a state qualifer and finalist in 4a in like 2011 who moved up to 5A in 2012 but didn't make state 5A so I would put an Italic and Underline for North Mesquite and Mckinney meaning it is possible but unlikely given the presence of the other powerhouses. Also, with the italics that doesn't rule out a random chance of it happening though. xD Nice, I was looking directly at the TMEA Region maps. and I noticed that naaman forest was missing so I quickly added it in xD
  18. Area C is at Mesquite Memorial Stadium, since mesquite has not changed areas. xD
  19. Eh, BOA has no correlation to UIL since they have different scoring rubric. And one emphasizes on Difficult Music, Rigorous Marching techniques, Challenging Effects and etcs. while the other has a strong emphasize on Creativity and Unique usage of Music and Effects and Marching My statements did make sense; DCI does have a very funny correlation as what might happen in UIL/BOA, it is not an accurate correlation but it does give way to possible speculation. But really it is just pure irony/coincidental than prediction. Also, that is why i said it might not had been James Bowie. Clearly when someone says that are not sure that it did happen does not mean it is acceptable to criticize on that. yeah since we have to get through area competitions and with the new massive Area Alignments it is crazy. Plus there was also Major Updates to the State Marching band contest itself, that I already have mentioned in another post. *CLICK HERE FOR THE THREAD ABOUT THE NEW UPDATE* 3 of the most prominent updates are truly remarkable and 1 of them which is separate from the 3 prominent updates was based on previous experiences. Also, one of the 3 most prominent doesn't affect the band much except on the music composing level and the other 2 have the major impact anyways. One of them is about being top 12 instead of top 10 and allowing more bands to advanced to state finals if they make 3 or higher from at least 2 music judges and 1 marching judge. So we could see from the minimum 12 bands up to say about 18 but really up to 14, but only if there are more than 36 bands competing at state. then otherwise it is only top 10, 7 , or 5 depending the amount of bands advancing to state. Another one is about having a Full Olympic Style Retreat at the State Finals award ceremony just like BOA. xD Also, another important change is that 6A State Prelims and 6A State Finals are on two separate days now because of the fact that finals ending at like 10pm or even midnight and then the bands have to quickly get them on buses and band kids don't get back until like 4-6am with as little as 2-6 hours of sleep for schools because nearly all of the school require them back in school the next day, because of the TEA attendance rules which only allows soo much excused absences for Extracurricular Activities. Hence why, UIL had to ask TEA approval and Texas Congress consent to add an additional day of excused absence.
  20. Okay, let's see for every 5 bands that advance/qualify to/for area regardless if they compete in area at all, 1 band can advance to state. With that let's see how many 6A bands are in Area C: Regions 2,3,4,21,25. Region 2: 6 bands, Region 3: 14 bands, Region 4: 0 Bands (JUSSST WHYYYYYYY), Region 21: 4 bands, Region 25: 6 bands. So that means the total amount of 6A bands in Area C is....*drumrolls* 30 bands total. That means if ALL 6A Bands advance/qualify to/for area regardless if they compete in area or not, that means we could see up to 6 bands advancing to state. Which means 4 - 6 bands CAN advance to state. Now let's get the list of the 6A Bands (from the previous post that FloMoParent [Also, I had to a few schools that were missing] made): I am going to strike through the bands that I know won't make Area Finals. It does not mean I am hating or discouraging anyone from anything it is just my own opinions that should be respected as opinions and not taken as facts or the truth. This is under the assumptions that ALL 30 of these 6A Bands QUALIFY for area. Also, I cannot find any previous Area results so I would be unable to get a general idea. Plus, it is extremely difficult to make a decent assumption because UIL doesn't keep records on UIL Area Results publically but they do for State. They kind of have a result for Area contests, but it doesn't work, only shows 14-15, and only shows the list of band competing at area. Please note that the previous 4 bands that consistently advance to state from the former Area C were, Berkner, Duncanville, Coppell, and Rowlett. Please note that Duncanville and Coppell are no longer in Area C. List Key: Bold: Most likely Top 6 advancing to state Underline: Most likely to make Area finals but unlikely advance to state Italics: Just because we're in Texas, if the stars align then they could make state or area finals. Strikethrough: Most likely will not make Area finals Rowlett one of the original top 4 finalists from the former Area C Lufkin Never heard of them, Sorry D: Lakeview Centennial Possible but unlikely Lewisville Possible but unlikely. Guyer Never heard of them either, Sorry D: Hebron Known UIL State Finalist McKinney Known State Qualifier in class 5a before recently moving up to class 6A, does not rule out a chance they could advance or be an alternate. Per what, mmbandfan told me. Flower Mound Known UIL State Finalist Garland Marcus UIL State Champion John Horn heard of their stadium but not the band advancing to finals. Byron Nelson Berkner Original Top 4 bands in the Former Area C and Known UIL State Finalist Naaman Forest Mesquite North Garland Allen Allen is not a competitive band due to their sheer size that makes it impracticable. Does not mean it is impossible, because I know that one year they made 1st in state unanimously. Also, allen is the only one in this that as all of the List Keys used for it because it's unique situation. Rockwall Heath I have not witnessed them making Area Finals but does not rule out a chance that they could... Sachse This one been underlined instead of striked due to a special circumstance, Sachse was the 5th place band consistently in the former Area C which means they have a possible chance. South Garland Lake Highlands Consistently made Area Finals in the former Area C but not sure if that can translate to the new Area C Longview Richardson Consistently made Area Finals in the former Area C but not sure if that can translate to the new Area C, Former State Finalists North Mesquite Was the state Alternate in 2014 for Area C, does not rule out the random chance that they could advance to state. Per what, mmbandfan told me. JJ Pearce Consistently made Area Finals in the former Area C but not sure if that can translate to the new Area C, Also, previously advanced to state finals consistently under Class 4A but they does not really apply well since they moved up a conference. Wylie Unlikely, to make Area Finals but does not mean we can rule out any possible chances Rockwall McKinney Boyd Robert E. Lee John Tyler So out of this mess, your Area Finalist bands would be in no specific order.. UIL Area C Possible Finalists Rowlett Hebron Flower Mound Marcus Berkner These five are most definitely going to make area finals and the Top 6 advancing to state, now the 6th position is a tough one... it could be either... Lakeview Centennial Lewisville Allen Sachse Lake Highlands Richardson JJ Pearce North Mesquite Mckinney There is State Alternate but very rarely does the State Alternate actually does take the place of any other State Qualifiers. So I do not need to need to make a list for that. These are the schools that are known to make Area Finals but not enough to advance to state, except in circumstances where they advanced to state or state finals in a difference conference (which is not going to be taken into account because it doesn't have that much substance in this matter) However, I might have missed out other schools that have made Area Finals consistently in past 3 - 4 Area B/C/D (if there any from that area here) competitions. Also, BANDS OF AMERICA COMPETITIONS DO NOT HAVE ANY MATERIAL IN THIS DECISION. Sorry but, It is mainly because UIL and BOA contests are wayyyy different heck we'll even throw in ISSMA (Indiana) here too. UIL, BOA, and ISSMA operate completely different from one of there as you can tell from their difference, Now they do have some similar points but it is not appropriate to include those in here. If you were to put them on a triangle, or any other polygons each one would be in its own corner. xD Simply said, UIL emphasizes on Complex or Unique Music and Tough Marching techniques while BOA appeals more to Visuals and General Effects and does not place that much emphasize on Complex Music and Unique marching techniques. I do not know much about ISSMA since I never been to or ever seen a ISSMA contest so I cannot say more than I already know on that subject. I'm not here to bash on UIL or BOA (or ISSMA) I am just stating that it is completely inappropriate to compare UIL State Finalists to any BOA Regionals, Super Regionals, or Grand Nationals finalists because those achievements are not reciprocal whatsoever. Aaaaand that is just my interesting speculation on what could happen, but even with that said, it is still Texas... Anything can happen... AND I MEAN ANYTHING....I REPEAT........... "ANYTHING" Edited: October 18, 2016 to fix some errors and change some stuff. Edit: October 24, 2016, apparently there were only 29 bands because Naaman Forest is in 5a conference. yeah... I'm too lazy to edit this mess right now. I will fix this later.
  21. It is ironic that my band directors have strongly emphasized this both in marching band and concert band because there is only so much that the band director can do to help outside of the student's personal responsibilities. Which is why, if you have a question you need to climb the ladder of student leadership. Seniors -> Logistical Leadership -> Section Leader -> Section Captain -> Drill Instructor -> Band Captain -> Drum Majors -> then last resort a Band Director even then depending on the questions it might either be a specific band director question or a head band director question. Also, some specific questions might require you preempt the ladder to jump directly and ask the band director.
  22. I think it would be interesting especially with the breaking rank at the end of the full retreat.
  23. yeah, I filed a complaint directly with UIL in the same rule proposal as some of the others about how, Finals for a lot of the Marching band contests would end extremely late around 10 pm or even midnight and most bands don't get back until around 4am to 6am depending on the distance but to make matters worse, Most if not all of the band's school district require those students to be in school the next day with as little as 5 to even little as 2 hours of sleep, which should be huge violation if not, Human rights, than something else. It was because UIL and TEA only allows so many excused absences for extracurricular activities which, doesn't affect the 90% attendance. So UIL had to ask TEA or Texas Congress to allow an additional day of excused absence. Also, if there is more than 36 bands than Top 12 automatically advance to finals. In addition any band below twelfth place that receives a ranking of three or higher from at least two of the music judges and one of the marching judges will also advance to the finals. Which means we could see up to 14 or even 18 depending how the scoring rubric works. But it is unlikely it would see more than 14 because they score based giving each band an actual ranking lol
  24. If y'all were not already aware there were significant UIL Music Updates both, on the UIL Music department level and including updates to the Music Sections of the UIL Constitution. I will start with some news that I could not find any reference from the official Music Update PDFs or even the C&CR Update to the UIL Constitution. If you were not already aware, UIL State Marching Band contest now takes place 3 days, at least for the 4A/6A Conference that is anyways. Inside the spoiler are the dates with the direct source. Next are UIL Music Updates to the Prescribed Music List and State Marching Band Championships. The 2nd and 3rd one I had actually suggested through submitting a proposal to amend the UIL Constitution, which I figured warranted this since updating the UIL C&CR would had been unnecessary. xD Even though, I had graduated already, I knew that if it did went through, I would left behind another unknown legacy which was worth the risk. :3 Inside the spoilers are the 3 Music Updates and the sources. Finally, we have C&CR Updates for the 2016-17 School Year that affect UIL Music since it has already gone into effect for the year starting in August or September. That is all for now. Here is the *PDF Link* for people that want to see the 2016-2017 UIL Constitution Here is the *PDF Link* to the TEA-UIL Side by Side for 2016-2017 which does not change at all or if anything does change it is usually minimal or unnoticeable. Also, if you want to see the UIL Rule Proposals you can look over here too... *Insert Link Here* And for anyone wondering how I managed to have successfully proposed a rule change for the UIL Music State Marching Band Contest, I actually submitted a large idea proposal of various ideas via the only form for suggesting UIL Rules changes because anyone in Texas can submit a rule change. You don't even have to be in austin at their UIL meeting for the rule proposal to be brought up anyways. xD *Insert that Link here* Okay, for real though, that is all for now.
  25. lol, a wiki-based sounds fun xD Edit: No but seriously, a TXbands Wiki either based on Wikia or Wikipedia would be easier to manage even if there are duplicate pages because it would be easier to merge and add a redirect pages for the alternate names. While adding a did you mean this band? and the Disambiguation pages would help significantly. :3 We would be able to have both temporarily until everything from the directory is transferred over. You would have to be careful who you assign certain roles but vandalism would be no problem with roll over and yeah xD
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