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Everything posted by slowbrass

  1. Hebron was 23 ordinal points behind Marcus that year. Hard to compare because they still used a five judge panel as opposed to the current seven judge system. For the sake of my point, let’s look at the area j contest this year, which uses five judges. Hebron won with a score of 7. 22 points behind them was Prosper, and 24 behind them was Braswell. Both amazing groups, especially relative to the average Texas band, but I don’t think most people could say they’re “close” to Hebron.
  2. Among all the 6a (or formerly 5a) state champs during my time in band and afterward, it’s easily Marcus 2012. They may have had some slight blips at BOA, although I don’t remember any and it didn’t hold them back at all. They won that contest by 2.85 over second, which is the widest margin of victory in the history of that contest as far as I know. State finals they were absolutely unconscious tho.
  3. Apparently Tarpon Springs uses in-ears for timing in this show? I’m sorry but that’s some BS
  4. Two state titles in four years is crazy, congrats to Hebron. Super fun year for marching band in Texas.
  5. Not too psyched about Hebron’s uniform refresh. I’m sure the sparkles read better from the box but they kinda ruin the lines in my opinion. And I really hope they don’t add those hip capes the DMs are wearing to the marchers as well.
  6. Flower Mound’s shows have been designed by Alan Spaeth for at least the past ten years, maybe longer. Broken Arrow’s were designed by Wes Cartwright for a long time until this season. Now they are a Jon Vanderkolff client (the woodlands).
  7. I’m not surprised at all by a FloMo win, but the margin definitely has me raising an eyebrow.
  8. I did like Flower Mound’s McNutt beats, but I think Marcus was definitely the best group tonight.
  9. Simultaneous demand off the charts for Vandegrift
  10. Shades of Marcus 2012 from rouse. Love this show, not surprised at all they ended up in the top half.
  11. Any way to watch this one other than showing up in person?
  12. Can’t wait to see judges’ sheets for this one. DM me please if you’ve got em.
  13. This was coming off a 2011 season where Hebron didn’t even make finals at San Antonio. None of us expected to be anywhere close to the medal stand at state in 2012. I could see your point if it were present day Vandegrift and Hebron having this interaction, two schools at the height of their powers and in constant competition, but this was an entirely different situation.
  14. They’re definitely doing justice to rocky point, just a little more work around the margins and they’ll be in a great spot. Really fortunate for them that this season is a week longer than usual. Watching the area results come rolling in this weekend is gonna be quite telling. Personally, I’m really giving Marcus a lot of credit based on what bentonville did this past Saturday.
  15. Marcus, Flower Mound, and Hebron obviously have a rivalry that runs deep on the field, but I think the respect that those three schools have for each other is also pretty unique. I remember when Hebron won their first medal at state in 2012, Marcus was walking by the Hebron busses on our way home and they took a moment to celebrate with us and really uplift us. That’s the kind of interschool relationship that makes this activity fun.
  16. Purely from an audience entertainment standpoint, this is gonna be so fun. Worst part is that some genuinely great shows and performers won’t get the chance to show off on finals night. It’s an embarrassment of riches.
  17. 2013 San Antonio finals were a certified Marie czapinski masterclass 😂
  18. I really dig flower mound’s show. It’s approachable on the surface level and still doesn’t feel overly simple or trope-y. To me it feels a lot closer to 15-19 than their post Covid shows have. All of those trademark flower mound musical and visual motifs are super effective this year.
  19. Nicely done Hebron. Beating vista ridge is no small feat. Shoutout basses 🫡
  20. Sounded like the opener is sourced at least in part from Urban Dances by Richard Danielpour. Ironically, given the show title, this year’s music design seems a lot more cohesive than the last few seasons, at least since 2019. Drill is nice and readable as well. Can’t wait to see more.
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