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  1. http://www.txbands.com/media/info/?id=19
  2. Thanks for the contributions... If you want, could you do like an overall GE score too? Alright, next band to listen too... Marcus 2005 Fowl Play: Music for the Birds
  3. and you judge each section of the band... (drums/brass/woodwinds) just listen to the mp3s on the site... first off is... The Woodlands 2002 Genesis The Creator of Color
  4. But isn't it possible that maybe the Marcus drumline suffered a little pit to field phasing at Birdville? And that this performance doesn't display the Marcus drumline's actuall capabilties very accuratly?
  5. doesn't marcus host that competition? so they don't actually compete...
  6. What's wrong with Marcus's exsistance?
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