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Everything posted by Dizlilnikkaboy

  1. From what I heard about bell they actually had diagrams and just found their spot on a field in relation to the picture they had on the sheet. and for the metronome one of the bands that use metronomes, or use to not too sure anymore, would be westfield for a good portion of their games.
  2. u know i have missed marching season since my freshmen and junior year ... i mean just those years ... is that weird? because other then that the marching seasons ive had werent so hot because of complications
  3. i knew bell was going to win !!!! I dub this band AMAZING!! First show of their trilogy - 3rd place Second show of their trilogy - 2nd place Third and final SHOW - 1ST PLACE!!!! First time this has ever been done probably
  4. im hoping that bell is going to win this too i was hoping last year and was sadly disappointed but this will be the year has to be !!
  5. anyone want to send me a link to some videos from mfa : )?? im broke and my mom wouldnt let me use her credit card... which sucks.. and how big of a penalty do you get if u go over time?
  6. does anyone have ld bell from last year not the you tube video but the actual file...?? and the marcus video maybe? I lost all my files and everything because i sent my laptop to get fixed and they decided to throw it away with out backing up any of my data with out telling ...
  7. I'm hoping i don't step on anyones toes with this just I was hoping Bell would win this one because i enjoyed their show alot more then marcus's. I was sooo crazy and happy when ever i saw marcus go on the field just their show lacked something ... so it didnt really interest me as much... But when ever i saw bell it sent chills through my body the whole time and i loved it... I'm not biast or anything and i'm hoping i spelt that right just one had better effect then the other in my opinion.. but thats just my opinion out of millions .. and don't you love how bell went right after marcus ? It was look good vs. Evil Hopefully i didn't offend anyone and if i did just tell me and ill take down my post
  8. Does anyone have any marching band videos? Like videos i can download to my computer that are of good quality?... Preferably videos from Reagan, Winston churchill, Spring, Westfield, Richland, James Bowie 2006, and DCI 2006 videos ... If anyone has any and could send me the files where I could download them that would be very appreciated..
  9. Yeah this summer is pretty short because of band. We start on July 27th... with 9 am days until 8 pm at night.. how long will you guys be practicing for?
  10. geez... thats a huge band.. and agreed they are prob the loudest... i bet all of them are playing piano on the field...
  11. haha none of the judges happened to be under here when they ripped this tarp out right?? : P and if only we could all freak out the judges for some fun
  12. can anyone upload bell's marching band shows?? like all of them with different endings?
  13. texas was so close to have another band win grand nats... darn...
  14. I saw Bowie's show this year and i absolutely thought it was amazing... Even though they didn't place as high as some other bands their show was something else... definantly one of the best bands in texas Adding on.. Winston Churchill Marcus
  15. Did anyone go to the site and noticed that it got shut down?
  16. reagan marched cymbals in 05 i think they did in 06 too
  17. You think Reagan will? Because they didn't do so hot this year compared to their previous years. Has Bell gone to Grand Nats every year??
  18. You and me both. My band directors got to go to Grand Nats, and i was tempted to hiding in their luggage.
  19. I'm sorry if my grammer bothered you. I'll start using correct grammer.
  20. has anyone noticed that texas bands get really close?? like last year reagan was second and this year bell was second trend?
  21. sorry i prob got way off topic haha...
  22. big LD bell fan?? and its all good that u think that nothing wrong with that just i think the gigantic edge over bell in state in my opinion were those oboes.. that and bells show was a giant BOA show this year right? so its not that bad that they got second at state... not dissing the woodlands or anyone else but they got pretty high with a boa show unlike the woodlands that didnt make state at all.. Once again not dissing any other bands Just i gotta agree i kind of think they should have made 1st at grand nats but its all good cant really say anything for sure until i see broken arrows show
  23. bell deserved first in state or grand nats?
  24. maybe they wanted to make everone happy ??
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