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Everything posted by TrumpetDude7

  1. Also I cant wait to see Blue Springs. I hear they can go really far on Saturday.
  2. I know!!!!! Its like all the bands just turned up the dial. Its going to be a fun weekend for sure!!
  3. This may be a bit biased, but I think that we can really win it this year. Based on our progress, Bowie can make history. (Knock on wood)
  4. I cant wait to perform at BoA SA and I think its really cool that everyone is putting us in the "locks" catagory. To be honest I have no idea how its going to turn out, but I know its going to be fun!! I can only speak for myself here but I go more for the experience than to win. Now that being said I can get a LITTLE competitive. I know bell and marcus will be competition, as always. And we saw ctj at BoA austin and they beat us in music. Hebron beat marcus, and woodlands from what I hear are also really really good (which isnt news to me). So like I said, it sure is going to be a fun weekend.
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