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  1. dont forget this past marching season, i think SFA had like 100 marchers when they went to BOA grand nationals?
  2. ummm, i cycle my reeds, but i hold onto them WAYYYY longer than you're supposed to... i really only get new ones when a reed breaks. i've had this reed since about a month before region auditions and i still use it NOW.
  3. when's your next podcast gonna be posted?!?! i look forward to all you opinions and witty remarks!
  4. same here for the first etude, like it recommends of the TMEA website, i still need to work on the evenness of the notes... quite bold of you to go over tempo for the second, but i think i have that one down (92ish). the third is posing as the most difficult of the pieces with that TWO MEASURES OF WEIRD RHYTHM! and i think i'm gonna go under tempo to emphasize the musicality...
  5. i was thinking of doing Eb for region, but it's so hard to play quickly above D in the first etude! and getting to that G cleanly in the slow etude! but since there are so few Eb players in the region and since i have a good amount of experience on Eb, i'm really giving Eb a shot...
  6. USSBA State Championships coming up! what do you think about it?
  7. apparently we are! man, i just confirmed it by LOOKING ONLINE.
  8. finished it today! my last time learning show drill in high school...
  9. Kempner High School's is October 6th! Same day as SAT!!! ughhhhhh
  10. Regiment?
  11. azncmasta


    seems like you're using your WHOLE tongue to articulate notes. i play clarinet, but the concept should be similar, so i'd recommend keeping the back of the tongue still and focus on minimal movement of the tongue. that's just a little basic tip. hopefully someone can expand on what i'm writing... anyways, good luck!
  12. Has anyone seen Blast!? That was one of the greatest things i've ever seen!
  13. Last two concert seasons i've played Eb clarinet and am finding it pretty difficult to play. i'm a pretty decent Bb clarinet player (top band, made region), but whenever i play the Eb, i feel like i'm really suckin' it up! So i was wondering if anyone knew anything i could do to improve (like embouchure, tuning, tone, how to reach the high notes)! Thanks.
  14. It has been a long while now since the media library became "temporarily unavailable". It's almost the end of the school year now, so I'm wondering when will the media library be up and running again? Us kids out there need to be exposed to awesome videos and music!!!
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