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Everything posted by whitewing09

  1. Does it really matter if not every area has the potential to make state champion? I can't really use area A, E, G as examples because I don't know their areas well, but look at that have strong potential to be in finals in the following areas: Area B: Bell, Marcus, Hebron Area C: Duncanville and Coppell Area D: Bowie, Westlake, Reagan, Johnson (I haven't seen the other shows from this area, but they're probably strong) Area F: The Woodlands, Brazoswood As for the free pass to state, how fair would that be? They would simply be able to bypass a round of competition. What is a competition if it's not fair? Of course competition isn't always, fair but for that reason we shouldn't make it anymore fair.
  2. Depends on how you look at it really. Just from the bands going to state I would say B C D F E A G If you actually look at all of the bands within the areas I would say D B C F E A G I'd put D as 3rd for state participants because area B and C have heavy hitters Marcus and Bell in B and Duncanville and Coppell in C. I'd put D in 1st for overall quality because I'm willing to bet that the 6 bands that advanced will fair very well and their finals pool was extremely strong, probably the strongest finals.
  3. You know what's funny, I think if Cedar Park would have still been in 5A, Roundrock would have still gone to state because they would have taken 7 bands lol
  4. For 3A I willl say Argyle Rio Hondo Canton Wills Point Princeton Port Isabel Pleasant Grove For 5A I will say Marcus Bell Duncanville Coppell Bowie The Woodlands Reagan Johnson Berkner Hebron On the Bubble I would say Westlake, Spring, Haltom, and Anderson
  5. Even if lines were redrawn... How would this change much? There are exceptionally good bands in every area.
  6. I give them props, it's truly amazing to see the students step up to the plate and win. I don't remember Anderson ever being a Finalist at area D let alone a state qualifier.
  7. GO JOHNSON!! They're my favorite this year. It's awesome seeing them at the top!
  8. Did Anderson have a director change or good year?
  9. I clarified my statement a couple of post after my first. Thanks though
  10. Well... I remembered that I used to talk to a kid from there and he told me about the the stuff. On a side note, Has Richland recently had a director change? Were they off their game tonight?
  11. Sorry I didn't mean to say Bell received third because of rain or lack of. I meant do y'all think the rain affected the scoring in general, like with other bands. I mean it is disruptive and could be disruptive to judging especially when judging is often comparative.
  12. WOW Bell taking home 3rd... Do you think the rain had anything to do with the placements? Not to say that the playing was necessarily significantly affected, but the rain was extremely disruptive. I guess we'll see at the dome!
  13. I actually liked Coppell 2008 a lot more than Coppell 2009. It was so different from most of the Planets shows I've seen. I really liked Cedar Park's 2005 Respighi show, so when Coppell's show was very similar, but more boring... yeah didn't really enjoy it.
  14. That's kinda like comparing area B to area G
  15. Didn't Coppell use different arrangement than the norm? I really liked that.
  16. Cedar park 04!!! I loved the impact in the intro and then the epic ending with a mix of Jupiter and Mars. Coppell 08!! I loved their version of the upbeat part of Jupiter, the flute thing. Bowie 09!! I believe their intro was Neptune and it really added to the mystique of their show! I'll even throw one out that no one probably ever saw. Port Isabel 06 They made 3A state. Their ballad was Jupiter and I loved how the pit lead to the impact with rolls (I have no clue what you actually call them) then you can hear the upper Clarinet voice very well (which is defeated by the brass a lot of times in the smaller bands)
  17. I watched their prelims on the live webcast thing and I really liked their show! I definitely thought they were making finals. REPRESENT!!!
  18. Ok, I'm not in love with Vandegrift. I'm actually in love with Johnson, their show reminded a lot of the old Reagan and I loved the old Reagan, and Churchill because I thought that their show is an amazing arrangment. Those two shows were my favorite of that night. Does that mean that I would have scored them above Vandegrift? Idk, but I do know that I'm not a professional in critiquing bands. Looking at the score disparity, I think Vandegrift probably deserved the win. I cannot wait to watch BOA SA!!! I have to webcast it, but it's in real time so that's pretty cool.
  19. That isn't a stab at anyone. There just seems to be this idea that because a band that has had a reputation should have scored higher, but it's not true at all. There have been major changes in a lot of programs, which does explain why some bands scored lower than normally. Generally, the band should just be judged for the product they put forth for that specific performance. What should be scored higher a difficult dirtier show or easier clean show? That's always th equestion. I think that bands with harder shows usually score higher when the execution of the shows are at the same level. If a band is a lot cleaner as a whole and has excellent individual execution, maybe they should score higher than a band who's shows is not as clean.
  20. Aww crud, I hate when I make those mistakes. I thought that this show is completely different from the past 5 shows. I still like it, but it's different. I mean it is about remembrance and honor, but in honoring the soliders, it does use America the beautiful and various arrangments that are often include in Patriotic shows.
  21. I don't think that sound effects and props bolster a show significantly. I've seen plenty of bands that had flashy effects, but they don't necessarily do well. In the end, a show is judged for what the students put forth to the show musically and visually. Reagan's 2006 show was deemed as the most "UIL" oriented show that they had done, but it scored well in BOA. I don't know if you can really compare scores between different years, but if you do, Reagan 2006's scores were comparable or even better than the previous years which were more "BOA" oriented. Bell and Marcus seem to have flashy shows, but in the end, they have talent as most BOA bands.
  22. I'm curious as to what about the reputation comment you found a little off?
  23. So their show is a different style. What are your thoughts? I personally don't like the war section in their show, idk just not a fan of the music. I like their arrangement of America the Beautiful and their ballad. I LOVE their closing statement and the Adagio for string element at the beginning that is randomly touched as transition in the show. I can't wait to see the full show! I was actually kind of sad when I saw that they diverged from the usual musical selection they perform and I thought that I wouldn't like their show because I'm not usually a fan of Patriotic shows, but I do like their show.
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