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Everything posted by whitewing09

  1. They did it my freshman year which I guess was 2005, I think they stopped after that.
  2. If this were facebook, I would like that ^ Just saying.
  3. 1.) I know to each their own, but I don't really understand the argument people make when they say that a band uses props to add points to there show? In the end the points they may get from these props are minimal. The show won't receive a higher placement because of their props, but because of their ability to play and march. Personally, when I watch a show I don't really take the props into much consideration, I watch the real visual stuff, the marching. 2.) I'm under the impression that GE is more than having "flashy" movements. Bands receive GE points for being more emotional with their music like Bell and Cedar Park, some bands like Marcus receive points for being more clean. I don't know if this makes sense, but UIL is more about execution while BOA focuses on performance. UIL values perfections, while BOA advocates perfection, but also values the actual performance. I remember a few years back (wow I feel old) people would complain about TWHS because their music was "overbearing," but maybe that "overbearing" sound translated into emotion and added to the actual performance rather than perfect execution in terms of balance. I'd like to also add that watching a band perform extremely difficult music or marching with impeccable execution may warrant extra GE points. Then there are so many other factors such as individual marching and music that could effect a bands score. 3.)To say that GE is completely subjective, seems a little rash. There is some method to the madness! Look at the top bands in UIL and BOA, they're usually the same bands especially Bell, Marcus, Cedar Park, and Bowie. They dominate both UIL and BOA. Of course there are exceptions, but exceptions exist everywhere in life.
  4. Or Vandegrift deserved what they received. Maybe Vandegrift had a cleaner show, maybe they can't be as innovative with their drill or as dynamic with their music because of their size, but they weren't penalized, which shows correct judging. I think it's nonsense to just assume that a smaller bands are less superior because of their size and I'm glad that there are on-field judges to help distinguish technique, playing/marching ability, etc on a more personal level. Also, just a band is more well known and established doesn't mean it deserves higher ranking. Look at the scores, Reagan and TWHS scored two points under Vandegrift. Just because they have the reputation doesn't mean they automatically deserve high scores. And no, I'm in no way affiliated with this band or any of the bands stated on this forum.
  5. The fact that they're actually beating Bowie is pretty interesting though. Round rock has to be doing pretty well if they're music/marching scores are close enough to Bowie's to the point where they're beating them by winning side captions. I'm assuming thatt the side captions aren't weighted nearly as much as marching and music.
  6. Bands like Carmel and Owasso, who aren't from the state, but competed and pwned here are outliers no? I mean I could see why the kid would say that the bands that compete against us from surrounding states aren't always at the same level, not to say that Texas hands down has the best bands because there are bands in other places that are better. We probably do have the largest concentration of good bands. On a random note, did TWHS have a director change? Their show seems pretty different from most of the shows I've seen from them.
  7. The scores at this contest surprised me! I haven't seen Roundrock beat Bowie ever, they must be on their game! Good for them. I never saw Anderson in Finals let alone beating Akins, maybe they made it last year, I don't remember, but congrats to them. I was very surprised at the low VR placing.
  8. If this were facebook, I would like it. I'm really liking that Reagan is on it's way back to the top! I really like that Vandergrift and Claudia Johnson are climbing up!
  9. It makes me sad to see that a lot of people with whom I used to chat are gone. I'm actually surprised that I still come here. I graduated two years ago, now I live in New York, and band isn't a part of my life anymore. I guess I just like keeping track of the band world in Texas.
  10. I'm surprised no one has posted this yet. http://dfife.com/honor/ I can't wait to see the show.
  11. I was wondering If anyone had Bowie, gnats bell, and Marcus 2006
  12. I don't really think that one could say that Cedar Park has peaked. Their track record is pretty arbitrary. 04: State Silver/ 4th in BOA SA 05: UIL Rating 2/ Not BOA SA Finalist 06: Not UIL State Finalist (1st in Area)/Middle/Lower half of BOA SA finals 07: Lower half of BOA SA 08: 4th Finals State/ Top Half BOA SA 09: Top Half BOA SA I think that 09 had a sloppier show than usual, at least the musically. I don't think they will head down hill. I really hope they don't. I think it would be sweet to see them PWN 4A
  13. Does anyone have an audio recording??
  14. Now I have a question, where is the music from in the really epic part of the show? Right after the flute solo, There's a guard playing an oboe I think.
  15. If yall didn't know, I am originally from Texas, but I'm in NY for college. I go to the University of Rochester which is affiliated with the Eastman School of Music. Well I was speaking with a music student and she was saying that here, in the North, personal performance matters more to students than ensemble performance. I thought I'd see how Texas students view this.
  16. If someone's cell phone even made a ring, not even if the phone was out being used, but if it just made a sound, he would confiscate it and the person's parent had to go to the administration to get it back.
  17. West Highlands Sojourn - Robert Sheldon Definitely played that my freshman year =) Oh how the time flies...
  18. One of my best friends plays mello there =D
  19. I actually think that I was on the forum around that time haha remembered something about a huge messed up with electronics that through a good part of the show off or something.
  20. I believe that was the year that CP owned Westlakes, then received a 2 at region, and missed a spot for finals at BOA SA.
  21. Does anyone have this?!?!?!? I've been looking for it forever, I used to have it, but I lost it!
  22. I miss marching band so much =(
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