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Everything posted by whitewing09

  1. I see a very familiar name, Mark Chambers!
  2. The Woodlands: This show was awesome! Love every aspect of it especially the effect of the acoustic...? guitar I think haha Spring: Wow! Their trumpets were amazing and loved the over all show! My favorite spring show to date. Cedar Park: Their sound is epic! I've always been a fan of how emotional their shows can be. L.D Bell: Their show is simply amazing this year! Their introduction is legit awesome! Their arrangement Kingfishers and the Mecca flute thing are sweet! The oboe solo for the ballad is so beautiful. Westfield: Especially loved their opener with the solo! cool stuff Clearbrooke: Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat... Loved it! Hopefully they will do well at GNATS
  3. awww the announcer should have followed the cue
  4. As long as they didn't insult other bands, but I could understand the DM doing that though... Dripping Springs making champs was a huge surprise (no offense to anyone!) It's awesome that they're become so strong,2005 nothing, 2007 state finals, 2009 state champ... That's simply amazing!! Anyone see the prelim results?? Dawson seemed pretty close to Finals... stinks that they had such bad music scores
  5. WOOO!!! Congrats everyone!
  6. What does the ISSMA grading look like? You know how UIL and BOA contrasting systems, is ISSMA the same?
  7. Anyone notice how extremely close Bell, Woodlands, and Bowie were in prelims crazy-ness
  8. Question! Was there a balance problem with the trumpets in kingfishers?
  9. I want Bowie to step up to the challenge and earn a top spot
  10. cutting a 300 member band into 120 is pretty drastic, but I don't see why they wouldn't just leave out some of the double reeds, if the only thing they'll do is march a spot
  11. You can't expect a judge to assume that a person isn't playing because they play a double reed and they're just marching with a horn that they don't play. If a judge spots something they find wrong, they're going to focus on that point because in the end a judge's purpose is to almost to provide constructive criticism on the weakest part of the show. That's how I was taught anyway, I could be completely wrong.
  12. This years Bell show is definitely my favorite! I watch Clearbrooke's show last night and absolutely loved it. All of the bands going to gnats have so much potential! I'm so excited for them!!! I think Texas is going to make gnats epic!!!!!!
  13. I think that Texas has and probably will hold one if not more spots in the top 3 at gnats... I think it was 2002 and 2004 when Texas didn't hold a spot in the top 3 (in the past 10 years)
  14. Well I guess there was just something the judges didn't like. I'm kind of not surprise with Coppell's individual music score, for such a large band they don't seem as dynamically inclined as they should be which could be due to players who just march, it might just be me idk
  15. Anyone know when the SA videos are coming out for the mfa website
  16. Gotta remember that it was on the day of 2A/4A area which gave less opportunity for AA BOA bands to compete
  17. This thread is also a good way to introduce videos that people might not be searching for, or that have just been introduced to youtube. Why fruitless search for the latest Bell video everyday, when we can actually know if the video is out.
  18. I don't know why, but I just can never love a Marcus. They're extremely good, but I don't know... maybe show style?
  19. I was thinking about that last night!! This year will be epic!
  20. I pretty much agreed with the placement. I'm glad to see Reagan make finals!!!
  21. Is this the first time when the top 3 BOA SA bands compete at gnats?? Which bands are attending this year? LD Bell Marcus James Bowie The Woodlands Clear Brook wasn't there one more?
  22. The scores seemed a little low, which could just be the judges perferences, but was BOA SA a week earlier than it usually is?
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