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Everything posted by whitewing09

  1. Is excited for the new band year like everyone else in the world
  2. Wait what are you thinking of?
  3. Is one of those girls who wears huge sun glasses lol
  4. I don't think there is a disadvantage if you have less than 200 people... it's about how well the band does now how loud they play, a lot people don't realize that. I'll give an example... Look at Leander, they usually look around 150 but they could still kick some of those bands butts who do have more than 200
  5. I believe whatever floats the crowds boat works! lol
  6. I LOVED IT!! It was pretty much the first marching band I ever saw! It truly was awesome!
  7. I love the song Cliffs of Dover, it's catchy lol
  8. Is nonchalant and usually professional I LOVED YALLS 04 SHOW!!
  9. I would choose band again fo sho! It taught me so much stuff! It showed me how hard work and dedication worked. I learned that it doesn't matter whether you are a jock, prep, emo, geek, party goer, etc. you can work together to accomplish a common goal. There's just a lot lol
  10. I HATE our drill, well in general it's ok, but our opener consist of super easy drill for the tubas and drum line. We have to have some of the weirdest drill, alot of weird curvy shapes. lol
  11. Lives off of a death curve... jk
  12. LMAO that had to be fun!!! man I wish we did things like that lol our band hall is the building that used to be our old school... 50 years ago... lol but our district can get a brand new weight room with plasma screen tv's and surround sound... while our band hall falls apart
  13. Points out the flaws !
  14. LMAO sounds fun! Our's doesn't really get used too much, just when we have the district/regional marching contest, basketball games, umm band concerts, that's pretty much it I think.
  15. Well we're a 3A we aren't suppose to have that many people! jk lol
  16. We have tree and a flower bed around the 10 yard line... the athletic department felt like putting the flower bed on OUR practice field just because their new weight room is right next to it.
  17. We start drill Monday evening too!!! I'm so excited!!
  18. Is hatin and delusional!
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