We really want to make state, for the first time in ever.. we're cutting the size of our band to 110 from 140, we don't want all the people with attitude.
Excuse me but this is what you said, "the show = holygeewilikersohmyfreakinggosh AMAZING. Our show is gonna like..melt some faces. Either that or our sound is going to kill the audience. Or cause them to go deaf. One of the other."
That does not seem merely to be expressing you're opinion but as if you're saying the show is going to be very good. If you make it sound as if it is "all that and a bag of chips" then you better be ready to back it up. =D
Don't get defensive =P
Is that suppose to say something about me lol
I just have a list of words I love such as ostentatious, repugnant, innovative, liaison, condescending, nonchalant, ambiguous, there are a lot more but those are the must commonly used