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Everything posted by whitewing09

  1. Mine know everything, it's just their bad attitude
  2. The props are just to add a little spice to the show not to win. PLENTY of shows with props won't make finals because their playing or marching isn't up to par, plenty of shoes without props will make finals because they have what it takes.
  3. my gosh it's like a relationship going on...
  4. Is a "binge" drinker iho
  5. Everyone but my freshmen were high spirited and doing great, mine seem sooo ughh Idk but I definitely need to light a fire under their butts
  6. We have access to quality instruments, but not really any on private lessons, and we hardly get to work sectionally, usually if there is something wrong the whole band has to wait on one section, most people don't have to deal with that.
  7. Well ya I think it is dumb when people complain in band, but I wouldn't if I was like in Bell or Richland with their fast stuff. Uhh you shouldnt running around the field just to show that you can handle band and doing that at the same time. That just kind of mean because you're implying they're weak when you could be encourging em or something
  8. I don't think you understood my point. My point was people should compete with other people of the same level yes I do know that people from smaller schools can compete with people from bigger school but a vast majority can't compete with people from bigger school because of the lack of resources. Yes you can compare an individual achievement to a group competition, there's nothing different when it comes to resources. A 2A football usually won't have as many resources as a 5A football team. Same goes with a band student, usually students from a smaller school don't have as many resources as a student from a large school, I don't see how you don't understand that.
  9. Wait so people in other states don't use hashes?
  10. It doesn't matter how your words compare others, they aren't the ones on this forum. People deserve to compete with other people of their own level. Pretty much you're saying people from smaller school shouldn't be able to have the same opportunities as people of bigger schools. We all know that TMEA is going to sound better than the lower level bands because look at who you're getting your people from, 5A schools, the schools that pretty much get the most funding and have more opportunities, while some kids from smaller schools can compete, most can't and us from the smaller and sometimes less fortunate schools deserve an opportunity to compete with people of our level.
  11. I don't even wanna know how hot it is going to be tomorrow
  12. Wants some hott langerie
  13. I hate the humidity, we were out in the morning with the fish last week, it was really cloudy and still soo hott because of the humidity
  14. Is dumbfounded by the earlier incident
  15. You gotta take into consideration the instrument, person saying its easy plays trumpet = easy for him
  16. I like yalls band =D Is really good at something in pit
  17. If I knew chili dogs were involved I would have tried more!
  18. Wow thats hate. I'm sorry that a lot of us in smaller schools don't get as much attention as individually or sectional as some of yall people in 5A's (yes it does make a difference)
  19. I wouldn't say guaranteed, anything can help for example Brazoswood 07 (BOA Houston) Cedar Park 05 (BOA San Antonio) and Hebron 07 (BOA Arlington)
  20. well excuse me! jk lol
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