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Everything posted by whitewing09

  1. Fell for my trap... muhahahah jk
  2. One of the problems with going to a 3A, everyone does everything
  3. Notices and I notices that he knows things.
  4. Interesting to watch... haha jk they are really cool people though. I wish more of my people were around these places
  5. It makes more sense now Notices things!
  6. Our color guard is full of cheerleaders haha, including the captains, hopefully they'll be able to pull of some hard work and be awesome.
  7. Our drumline started last week, guard and fish this week. Full band is next week
  8. Do I even have to say it? Delusional... jk haha
  9. Aren't we all! I can't wait until we start drill
  10. I miss this him I'm such an outcast here
  11. Why don't you just move your fingers to red yellow blue orange, instead of having them on aqua red yellow blue
  12. Used to be in an awesome band
  13. It is a lot longer! thank you very much lol
  14. Temporarily Why do I love Guitar Hero 3 so much
  15. I like woodwinds, even if they get drowned by brass lol
  16. Lol the only exams we take are AP Bio and Calculus, stinks lol
  17. I've always heard John Jay in San Antonio to be ghetto lol but I guess not?
  18. I saw yall's prelims performance at Westlakes, it was ok. Then I saw yall's finals performance, and it blew me away! It was performed very well!
  19. True that Besides you can't compare something you bite on to play versus a flute... they just aren't the same. I can see where playing a flute would mess you up when trying to play a brass, because of the difference in mouth movements between the two.
  20. I'm sorry I'm really not trying to be mean, but this just seems like someone needs to get over their band. Maybe this isn't the case, however by the way you're saying things it does seem to be the case. This isn't only my opinion, I have talk to other people who feel the same way. They used a smiley face? Yes that is pretty cool, but time to move on.
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