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Everything posted by whitewing09

  1. I almost took a class on music theory but i didn't want to add on to my summer course good luck with that!! kick some butt
  2. theory class wtf?? lol well i thought that i had no chance but then i saw the grid 1: 1 1 1 4 2: 2 3 5 1 3: 3 2 3 2 4: 4 4 4 3 (Me) i dont really remember everyone else, but i did ok i guess i beat 1st and 2nd by one judge lol but owell thats all in the past!! and im a section leader =D
  3. i tried out but i kinda gave up in the middle cuz i didnt feel that it would be as fun as marching, i kinda regret it, i still tried out and got like 4th and they took the top 2, so i guess if i would have invested into it more i could have done better but owell!
  4. I have no clue?!? Have I missed anything during my absence
  5. Dude... I CANT WAIT TO SEE ALL YALLS SHOWS at BOA SA and hopefully ill get to go watch the 5A state competition this is my first time on this site in like forever!!! its nice to be back
  6. something healthy What have I missed in my 3 month absence?
  7. plays the... bassoon or something haha idk
  8. this place always dies during concert season remember?
  9. i think it would be difficult to march in high bands like the Woodlands or Bell or idk lol
  10. wow area D is gonna get stacked even more then it already is
  11. if the tv can call bbq-ing a sport i think we are allowed to call marching one jk
  12. well when you carry a little instrument and a moderate tempo it would be easy now wouldnt it?
  13. well i think its dumb to put all the good players on first part and the not so good on the 3rd or 4th parts, cuz then you have a really good sound coming from the higher stuff but you dont get any good sounsd from the lower parts, and both are equally important... at least i think they are woo hoo brought this back from the grave
  14. heck ya we were gonna play sleigh ride (the version in cut time and has the key of G in it) i dont remember who arranged it or composed it but we didnt cuz half the band knew it well but the other other didnt bother to try to learn it... dedication right there..
  15. its better then a sport its band! lol
  16. i love Westlakes show i saw their Exibition at the contest they held.... it would be cool if someone would have a audio copy
  17. ok so I heard these names, and probably seen the moves but idk i wanna know which is which like... Circles of death?? i'm think rotating circles? Diamond cutters?? no clue Waterfall?? another no clue so ya yall should fill me in, and add some other words i should know
  18. for 3A area E is the next strongest after area B too bad we're not as stack i think Rio Hondo and Crystal City made 3rd and 4th
  19. I thought Berkner was awesome when i saw them at BOA SA and so was Colleyville... that was like the first time i saw both bands and they were awesome also Brazoswood... and Akins and Georgetown!!
  20. ZOMG YOU FORGOT THE WOODLANDS !!! they had an awesome show last year
  21. i remember in 8th grade i really really hated band! like you dont even know! i really wanted to quit but my aunt was like"no! your not quitting until you go through one year of it in high school!" so i stayed in it and i love it so much now that even through all the crap i have to go through im still in it! and enjoying it
  22. well if you wanna get literal...having really hard music doesnt make the drill harder... it just makes the performing cleanly harder
  23. well i guess we don't really know what happens till that day... since theres always so many suprizes
  24. ummm did you not see the part of all 4 bands from area D making state finals in 4A and area D is stacked up also i mean look who you have Cedar Park Churchill Reagan Bowie Akins Westlake Georgetown Round Rock Leander i dont think you can automatically assume that certain areas are completely better then others
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