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Everything posted by whitewing09

  1. oh jeez reagan scored lower then usual
  2. thers my school =) anywho we went right after taft and a break pretty cool stuff but anywho hays and florsville were looking pretty good you think they have a chance at state going up against new braunfels, conally, henderickson, etc
  3. new braunfels was friggen awesome!!! compared to what they were going up against i saw the ending of steeles show and it looked pretty cool
  4. i heard something about pines of rome for g-town... if thats true i hope they can make it interesting....
  5. woooo im getting off the bus so i can stay to watch finals... I CANT WAITT!!
  6. well in area d i dont think you should count new braufels canyon out or steele or clemens you never know didnt new braufels get a director change or something, just wonderin
  7. yesterday i saw a band that marched with both sousas and contras it was alittle akward for me
  8. gosh i cant wait to see these shows im going to BOA SA hopefully
  9. i hated that cat because
  10. what spare time band is life lol jk idk smoke one up?? jk
  11. theres a video of conally's show last year on youtube
  12. darn it!! i should have read this before i made the prediction!!! i didnt know reagan wasnt going!
  13. we're going there this year.... hopefully we dont do too bad
  14. ^ your so emo jk lol ttr: first band competition this saturday!!!
  15. someone broke into our band hall, but they were dumb they tried taking the deposit box thingy, and the people only keeps like nickels and stuff in their cuz they makes a deposit everyday
  16. Cocky arent we... lol I dont think you should really put SGP before Haltom and I'm not sure before Birdville either and Princeton... as in the 3A??
  17. lol i hate that concept "Loud = better" marcus's music was very very clean wasnt it? i mean you shouldnt have to be loud to be the best band in texas lol
  18. oh big deal, thats not even far
  19. So who all do i get to enjoy at this competition?
  20. tts: one of my biggest band buddies quit
  21. well in terms of marching band id have to say Bell is up there tied if not better then Marcus Also in a BOA aspect look at Reagan 2nd place at gnats twice i mean purdy much since they opened theyve done very well at BOA and they also do well at UIL then Duncanville placing top 3 at UIL for gosh knows how many years theres too many good bands to say that one is the best or that even 5 are the best in my opinion
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