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Everything posted by whitewing09

  1. our jazz band wasnt too bad... but then again we're 3A haha we hadd 2 flutes a fiddle? 4 clarinets no clue why 2 altos 1 tenor 1 bari 2 trombones 3 baritones 5 trumpets and then people doing the percussion stuff im not gonna both trying to count
  2. i guess they have to be good at something.... jk
  3. me too at 4
  4. my friend, whose a girl, was saying "i dont get why girls cant admit that they go number 2" and this girl listening in was like "well i dont!" and we were like "you have to..." and she was like "well if you wanna follow me around youll see that i dont !" and another girl was like "well maybe if you did would lose some weight... cuz man i rip it up i dont care!"
  5. jake's like "goshhh i gotta get one of those!!"
  6. thats what i like to hear
  7. well big butts... but not big holes... unless thats your kinda thing jake
  8. that must be a big hole if sunshine comes out of it... just saying..
  9. no clue.. im sure the regulars will be there cedar park, conally, henderickson, roundrock, georgetown, drippingsprings, etc
  10. i think im gonna make a new one sooooooooo what it do
  11. you upset the balance!!! we're all gonna die cuz of you! jk wanna see my d.....rilll
  12. cuz your not special enough to have your own day jk If a tree falls and no one is around to hear it, does it make a noise?
  13. most bands in texas have the potential to be the best
  14. you better go to westlakes!!!
  15. my favorite peices hmmmmm idk lol I like 5 Feste Romane by:Respighi idk i just like it 4 Summer Dances by:Balmages i love all the woodwind crap in it 3 American Riversongs by: LaPlante umm has a catchy 3 movement 2 Knights of Duveagan by:Meyers idk i loved it whenever i was in 7th
  16. I liked it but then again i like almost every movie i watch Did you think Pirates 3 was cool
  17. they been to gradnations and advanced to semifinals i think thats purdy big my director knows yalls director (conally) for some reason
  18. $50 and ill be happy who wants a brautworst
  19. haha i cant wait till the 08ers are out of her, well from my school anyway they have the WORST attitude problem ever
  20. how have you not heard of conallyand hendrickson the bands that made state 2 years ago and conally making semi finals at gnats this last year?!?!?!
  21. its just a forum where we can get down and dirty, jk
  22. umm what about bands from the Austin area like Henderickson and Conally
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