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Everything posted by whitewing09

  1. that explains alot...
  2. i think if it were closer to Texas, not necessarily in Texas. it would be cool maybe more of the good bands could go like Marcus ummm and im blank atm
  3. well this upcoming year is a perfect year to improve
  4. but it is funny..
  5. i think its gonna suck cuz theres alot of seniors with bad tude but owell
  6. our drum majors are going to Sassi or whatever
  7. well we're on that 1-5 gpa thing, everyone takes the same classes and make the same grades according that scale. which is why everyones tied up if they did a 1-100 scale then ya we would have 1 or two people who stand out way farther then everyone else but my schools retarded
  8. dont even go there with easy 4.0cuz its not that much easier (at least here anyway) besides theres like 12 people in my class tied for #1 and theres only 16 spots for top 10% yall big schools have like 80 people in yall s top 10% like at my cousin doesnt even get all A's and shes in the top which is like 80 people, we have to make A's in everything especially pre ap crap to be up ther
  9. woo shot pro!!
  10. our principal is a coach so i dont think he really wants to support us
  11. woo good luck!
  12. alls we did this year was the hindu thingy, calve raises, and marching various ways for warm up
  13. does anyone happen to have a recording of this
  14. it really pisses me off cuz we have to ask the school board for permission if we can do this kinda stuff, and they say no just cuz they dont wanna upset parents
  15. my try out is two mondays from now im soo excited!!
  16. ohh well i was with my friend i didnt mean they were really sexist
  17. soo ya my friend was wondering. can girls be in the madison scouts? or are they like the cavaliers were you have to grow a you know what to be in ??
  18. i wasnt implying that your a dude i just say dude alot. do you have any examples of your writings
  19. ^ i tried doing reagans opener in 03 ... lol it was kinda hard for me to stay consistant what other kindas questions should i aks
  20. i was thinking of teaching the basics then marching half time and double cuz there arnt alot of people that know how and they really need to know how
  21. i have to teach an up coming freshman something about marching, what should i teach?
  22. what do you practice to? do they give you the music this early ?
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