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Everything posted by whitewing09

  1. lol well just cuz 90% of your state people are woodwinds doesnt mean theyre the best section. it just means they practiced allstate music more then anyone else. if you look at my region most of the people are from 3 different schools which my band isnt included on. just cuz they have more people making in the band doesnt mean they have better players then us. heck we usually beat them in the music caption when we see them at invitationals or area. but theyre just more dedicated in region and all that
  2. i really wanna try out but i doubt ill get it. cuz i play tuba and im actually one of the only ones that can sight read well then again actually read music most of our section needs the rhythmes read to them and like showed and our director doesnt like letting his tuba players or percussion players to do anything else besides their instrument
  3. i think its stupid sometimes cuz like i seen cases where the bf or gf will treat their bf or gf worst then they treat their friends
  4. hmm some highlights: last year we suckd and for one competition we really pulled together and got first which was purdy special cuz our school hsant done gotten first and that competition for awhile. this year hmm on the way to area we stopped at a school to practice and we had to use their packing lot cuz they were watering their field and ya anyway their football team was having a fundraiser too so we kinda played to the people who were picking up plates of bbq (that was the fundraser) and they all clapped and cheer. then at everywhere we went the crowd got into our show and afterwards we'd get a huge response standing ovation blah blah. then it also helped that the students not in band loved our show and thought we looked good
  5. i was asking the ****. drum major and she told me the following: They see wether or ever elligable They give you music to conduct which you do however you want (keep time your way do all those little things drum majors do) You do your salute They interview you and ask you questions like "why should you be drum major" "if your best friend was acting up what would you do" "if an upperclassmen was challenging your authority how would you handle it" and blah blah
  6. dont alotta schools? lol thats what we do anyway omg i wish i could march my freshman show but i already forgot how to march this years drill lol
  7. i think it should be held every year i dont see what having too many bands has to do with anything i mean its not like youd have all of the classifications (1A-5A) in the dome on the same day like every sport gets state every year so i dont think band should be left out
  8. oh jeez whats after 9? 10
  9. Whyd you kill that cat? EW whats this white stuff
  10. My weiner is as? Oh mylanta!
  11. the Cirque du Solei show that i think but im not sure that the Madison Scouts played?
  12. Whats that white stuff? OMG thats ****
  13. So im gonna get a laptop sooner or later. What kind should i get like an apple or mac whatever you call it or a dell or a hp or what?!? help me out here which ones are the most reliable without being very pricy
  14. Whose your daddy?? lol sorry i was watching remember the titans yesterday i didnt smoke that much...
  15. ^ lol can you say ghetto jk you know i alwayed liked the sound of a trombone and i alway want to try to learn how to play it so i think im gonna do jazz band and learn how
  16. What did you say? my butts bleeding
  17. yo can use that as an answer jeeez Question? Hey remember me from last night my butt hurts
  18. Whats it like being high? that felt good
  19. least yall all made it too state. of course my band had to have our worst performance in the world for area finals lol but owell it was sooo much this yearrr even with all the douches who tried to make it unfun
  20. lmao wtf is going on
  21. Why did you screw that girl with crabs? I got crabs
  22. omg i didnt even know there was a basketball team called the cavaliers
  23. omg yall know so much about intruments i barely know where my mouth goes lol
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