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Everything posted by whitewing09

  1. ohh no my bad i should have word it different lol but i dont know if it was finals i saw a video on youtube and i assumed it was finals
  2. ugh i only got an 80 i feel like a failure for not scoring higher lol
  3. ugh noooo im not talking about churchill!!! like tarpon springs show was something about running a marothon and he was describing the miles and he was like "Mile 7" then you hear a click (obviously a mistake) and the band keeps playing after like 30 seconds he says "mile 7" and continues the speech
  4. no they had like a voiceover. and he started talking early and then you hear a click then after some playing from the band he starts over
  5. lol i actually didnt notice it until my friend pointed out while we were watching. lol i had seen the show like 0238509 before and i didnt know
  6. lmao nice so contra has a better sound then sousa?
  7. i saw a band march with tempered steel purdy interesting stuff whose Robert Sheldon his name sounds so familiar
  8. like the announcer started talking before he was suppose to
  9. whatever Zaky hey if we make a drill what are the requirements?
  10. i meant like ok a band ten years ago scored a 94.35 if they had the same exact performance and same exact show i mean like everything the exact same will it still score around 94 like 92-96
  11. ya i havent blown a horn in awhile now
  12. didnt haltom 04 keep switching to having alotta snares to having alotta of tenors in the show?
  13. dude it was like friggen 80 something degrees the other day i dont think its gonna snow
  14. L.D Bell Richland L.D Bell Marcus i have a question if you take a show from 10 years ago and place it in todays competition would it get the same score?
  15. lol i think it would suck to have to use one of those after a few hours of marching with a sousa i get tired and it seems that it be harder to do it with a contra
  16. thats what i why do!! cuz im not gonna bring my tuba home heck nah
  17. now that i think about it ive never seen a HS texas marching band use contras
  18. so your an uber band nerd or something?
  19. wow we havent even looked at concert music yet... but then again we havent even started the second semester lol
  20. this years seniors werent too bad, i couldnt stand some senior section leaders tho cuz their section could be really disruptive and wouldnt pay attention and they wouldnt do anything. the juniors were horrible they think theyre better then everyone but some couldnt even march backwards right or march in step and they caused most the drama, the sophmores were purdy bad but its cuz our class like doubles anyother classes so ya and the freshman ehh they were aight
  21. omg i was trying to write a drill with the pyware demo and it was soo hard
  22. how do you get a tuba from a flute lol
  23. omg i think i know what yall are talking about!! wooooo first time ever!! jk
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