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Everything posted by bdtenor

  1. Some original compositions and arragements can be found here if you care to listen: www.jksmusic.com
  2. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers for the students and staff of American Fork High School marching band. All of the students are doing well and the healing process has begun. The outpouring of sympathy from around the nation has been overwhelming. The marching band community has once again proven to be filled with extraordinary people filled with students, instructors and parents who are the greatest example of kindness. Heather was a dear friend and teacher, and her loss will not soon be forgotten. Of the thirty students taken to the hospital that evening, only three had to stay in the hospital overnight. They were all released by the following Monday. The bus driver passed out and received the worst non-fatal injury. This was an accident in the truest sense of the word and we hope and pray that she will recover from the emotional and physical injuries that she received. AF will march a number of holes due to student injury this season, but we will continue to compete and hope to represent ourselves very well at the BOA Regional in St. George. If you would, please take a moment to tell your friends and staff that you appreciate them, and make sure you hug your family each night when you return home from those long bus rides. Thank you once again from the bottom of our hearts. God bless you all and please travel safely this season. Michael Huestis Assistant Director - Percussion Specialist American Fork H.S. Marching Band
  3. We open our show with an oboe-bassoon duet...
  4. I'm new so please forgive me if this is the wrong place within the forums to post this topic. I wanted to let everyone know how happy our group is with John Meehan's original composition that he has written for our group. With a working title of "Shipwrecked" this piece has everything we asked for and more. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to John and his talents. We are looking forward to performing it at BOA Las Vegas and BOA Grand Nationals. Thank you for allowing me to extend this "thanks" to John and his efforts. Mr. Huestis American Fork H.S. PS- if you are at all interested, you can give a listen to John's music at www.jksmusic.com otherwise, please ignore this and have a great season!
  5. Quality creates effect in my opinion. If two bands play the same show and one performs both their music and visual program cleaner, it will be more effective. Many people have already said this, but to simplify the argument: Quality creates effect and in turn; Greater quality creates greater demand. It is harder to do the "simple things" at 100% than 85%. So a cleaner show is plenty hard when performed at the upper levels of performance. My opinion only
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