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Everything posted by Valsair

  1. got it taken care of. thanks guys.
  2. Spring just won the drumline/front ensemble award at the Lonestar Preview contest at Conroe. I'd say they're doing fine.
  3. they also usually march actual marching euphoniums as well as baritones, which is like holding a small car out in front of you. hehehe.
  4. I'm in dire need (clarification and other..stuff. I don't actually need to possess but..well..just contact me). Please, please, please, if you have this book in your possession. email me. as soon as possible. thank you so much, fellow texas bandsmen. email: valsair@gmail.com
  5. I don't mind them at all.
  6. If you'd like a Spring show, here's a link of our '06 UIL Area-F Prelims video.
  7. still considering hopping on as a euph-- haven't decided yet.
  8. Marcus was awesome. I loved the oboes.
  9. you guys have some REALLY cool drill, loved it
  10. you'll get one tuesday. looking forward to seeing you guys.
  11. you are the embodiment of jesus christ amongst humans. thank you.
  12. had a great time today/tonight. the wave was so awesome when we were waitng for the announcements
  13. finally, someone that got my joke..hehehe
  14. i'm really excited about the biggies in BOA, but i've mostly got my eye on the UIL populace. haven't really made up my mind. i'll see at area tomorrow.
  15. IMO, it's a number of people: - the people that don't care. - the people that don't care and make fun of people that DO care. - the people that aren't where they need to be marching-wise (and don't do anything about it) - the people that aren't where they need to be music-wise (and don't do anything about it) so and so forth. not to mention the constant bitching at rehearsal, that doesn't help things. ever.
  16. definitely digging your show this year (i've loved the past two as well). hope you guys do wonders at BOA: SA. are you guys going to nats this year or what?
  17. i think that's pretty much what we're going to do tomorrow.
  18. uhh..schilke?
  19. geez man, that's rough. spring didn't watch a single show that day on either side of the stadium. if i was there, i would've told them what's up. besides, it's not like it was really your fault. that flag could have just been in the total wrong place. it's not as bad as falling over an idiot freshman trumpet player and dominoing the three people around you at a football game (that's happened to me.) but hey, bonus points for recovery.
  20. not too shabby at all. i thought the horn soloist was pretty good. my favorite part was that guy's crowd response. i'm sure it made him happy.
  21. i played french horn for three years before getting braces. when i did get them, it was so bad i had to switch to euphonium (for the bigger mouthpiece.) i'm afraid i don't have any suggestions for you, though. when i got mine off, there wasn't that big of a change, but still a considerable difference (felt a heck of a lot better). but just play on your horn a lot, break your new mouth in.
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