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  1. Fusion Marching Designs has an additional drill design spot for 2019. We understand that you need your drill on time! If you receive your drill after your contract deadline, it is free. To celebrate 10 years of Fusion Marching Designs creating custom marching band designs, we are extending our 25% discount for new clients until May 31. Contact us at fusionmarching@gmail.com or via phone at 856-357-7093 You can also check out our new website at http://www.fusionmarching.com
  2. Fusion Marching Designs can design for your 2017 season. Fusion Marching Designs specializes in custom drill and music arrangements. Every design, including our custom shows, is built to your band and your students. Let our world-class designers take your program to the next level! Feel free to check out our new website at http://www.fusionmarching.com
  3. Hello , Quick question. I have posted several times in the Drill Writers forum with each one relating to my drill writing services. Why are my posts being deleted? Thanks Fusion Marching Designs www.fusionmarching.com www.facebook.com/fusionmarching (856) 357 -7093
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