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  1. Congratulations to Michael Tackett, director of El Diamante High Schoolfor being named to the staff of the College of the Sequoias in Visalia,CA. The El Diamante Community will miss you talent and contributions.
  2. Hi Everyone - In case you're still in need of a show this season, we've added several to our catalogue. Please check them out! www.inspiremusic.com
  3. Thanks for sharing this nice post.
  4. I even don't like the 800+ members bands. There is very little room left for all the members, as very few shines in these types of bands.
  5. Great list. Looking forward for these performances. Excited and eagerly waiting.
  6. Nice videos. I will too upload mine, where i was playing piano at third row.
  7. Besides theses, try checking out the bands of schools of Texas. They have the new spark and zeal to perform.
  8. yes please share the roster here whenever it comes. I love to see all the performances.
  9. Hey need to post something relevant to the topic. Also never copy paste anything. Then you can see your post not being deleted.
  10. Sorry i didn't get it. Please clarify it.
  11. it feels nice when all the things fall in to the place. me too excited about Saturday.
  12. I'll definitely going to watch Lone Star Preview which is falling on second or third week of October. As I will be in the city that month.
  13. literally a new kind. never seen such kind of performance. Love to see something like this.
  14. I have no idea about that. Please let me know if u have any idea
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