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guardgirl17 last won the day on September 27 2015

guardgirl17 had the most liked content!

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    Color Guard and Marching Band!

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  1. Can't believe this contest is less than a week away... So many good bands here, won't even try to make predictions.
  2. what date is this competition?
  3. I just heard word that Westlake was on their way and turned around due to the dangerous weather conditions on I-35. They won't be making their 12:30 performing time today. I don't know what's going on for them, but I can assume it's the same for many Austin- area bands. Curious to know how that's going to affect scheduling... could the schedule on friday potentially be extened until later...?
  4. I can't wait to watch y'alls show! From all I've heard, it sounds amazing! Good luck to ya'll this weekend!
  5. I was pretty upset when I saw that in the forecast too...warming up in the rain is no fun. Especially bad for woodwinds and colorguard flags. Hopefully whoever ends up warming up in the rain doesn't let that affect their show... At state last year, didn't they move some of the warm up areas inside? That could possibly happen again this year...maybe
  6. Less than a week away guys! Counting down the days...so excited!
  7. I've honestly never even heard of Owasso until this year. Is this a relatively new emerging band doing really well this year? I know they existed before, but i've seen a lot of people talking about them this year specifically. I really want to watch their show now, and see why people are talking so highly of them. (absolutely no disrespect to them intended). EDIT 1: Oh, they're from Oklahoma, no wonder I didn't know about them... EDIT 2: OK last post about Owasso, but I watched their show and their first movement has the same music as Westlake's 2nd movement! I think that's pretty coincidental!
  8. I definitley ooed and ahhed last year when I saw the box open during their performance XD
  9. That's true, but Vandegrift is a high caliber band, I'd say it would be hard to forget about them. The worst I could see happening is them getting a lower score in prelims, but they could definitley catch up in finals
  10. I remember 4 years ago we were the first band to go on Saturday and we had to be at school at 3 am. Our performance time was 7:15 or somehting like that. It's not fun at all. I feel really bad for Bowie... being the first band to go is pretty rough.
  11. Since I can't delete this ( I made a post by accident ) I might as well say something regarding Flower Mound. I read earlier, is Flower Mound using a box in their show like last year?
  12. to this day I still think my favorite show I've watched is definitley Leander's. When I was watching their show live I felt so engaged with the performers and it was so exciting. Everything about their show it just amazing to me! Music, drill, the concept...you name it! They're going to do really well this year no doubt about it. I remember when they weren't as big, but they've definitley climbed in the ranks. I know that's been said before, but...no harm in saying it again
  13. I watched and I loved it! That's just from the video, I bet seeing them in person would be even better! Can't wait to go watch all these amazing bands at BOA in a little more than 3 weeks!
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