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  1. No doubt think Vista Ridge, Vandegrift, and Leander will be coming back even stronger next year. I want them meddling at BOA SA next year I want to believe Cedar Park will be back to the top next year. And I really hope the next LISD to have some breakthrough next year to the top, after an amazing season, Rouse HS! I’m keeping Rouse on my radar! I’m calling it now... #TheRiseofRouse2019
  2. Been saying It all along... Leander is top 4 tonight we will see.
  3. To place top 8 in order is insane.... this is all too close
  4. Nooo CEDAR PARK woah Honestly did not see that coming.... And no Bowie?! Did anyone notice if they had bad runs or something... I honestly thought they were locks... especially Bowie
  5. With all this rain, my guess is all these music scores are going to be a lot closer to each other! That is exciting! I like it when a season doesn’t get too predictable! There is no “obvious” top finals half. And might I add, that I am very excited for Rouse! This is the best they have ever been and I can’t wait for them to be added to the BOA Finalists list in the future! Next year, there could be 5 LISD bands in BOA finals
  6. After watching LISD bands on Saturday.... Vista Ridge has such a great show, top 8 finals lock! Vandy takes Music Caption... I am 87% sure about this. Leander is a top 4 probably medal lock. So fun to watch!!
  7. My predictions: 1-4: Hebron/Flower Mound/Leander/CTJ 5-6: Reagan/Vandegrift 7-9: Keller/Vista/TWHS 10-14: Bowie/CP/LDBell/Marcus(haven’t seen)
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