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Everything posted by txsweetheart183

  1. yea.. wow
  2. looks a little weird..
  3. not bad.. ha not bad at all
  4. Yea, I don't really know what to say..
  5. I joined freshman year.. now i'm a junior. =D I used to post a lot and then got busy, but I'm back now!
  6. because this is life. why is boring a factor in life?
  7. My Facebook
  8. I would simply die if I saw Blue Man Group.
  9. i went.. and was blown away. i loved it.
  10. im thinking how much i dont want to take finals today! and tomorrow! and friday! lol =[
  11. no
  12. LMB is used wrong. We aren't full of ourselves. That was a mean thing to say!
  13. lol
  14. Ya'll actually made a forum on this?? It's not that hard!
  15. 1. Practices the week after Westlake. 2. Warm-up in the parking lot at BOA SA and the Woodlands contest. Intense.
  16. you are probably right if your thinking that
  17. lol.. yea i pretty much tried everything.. doesnt look like i will be going this year. theres always next year
  18. Next problem is getting it through my moms head that I can handle driving with a bunch of strangers. She's completely against me going right now. I am trying to find a way.
  19. Yea.. some corps have it on the website and others send it to you when you pay for the camp you are going to.
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