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Everything posted by MRS. IaN KiNSLeR

  1. i was just thinking the exact same thing. i mean westfield... come on(you're crazy), have you HEARD spring, and richland is just fantastic...those bands are amazing. without them your taking away half the contest.(a pretty much approximation). and marcus is ok too, lol.
  2. flute, piccolo, whatever piano i know from 'tha class', and bassoon and clarinet from woodwinds method class. even though the only one i'm any good at is flute, lol.
  3. they're probably going to a) expose their students to some of the best bands in the state and improve their program by entering the 'BOA scene'. it's not a bad decision. not everyone has been doing BOA since the 80's. for example marcus's first BOA competition was in 2002, so a lot of band directors probably have plans to do something like that. not every band that goes to BOA is gonna be a finalist band, but a lot of people have hopes of becoming one. and i see no problem with that.
  4. that was my point exactly. mr. v is so full of poo poo, jk jk.
  5. yeah. and pretty darn ignorant. i don't recomend assuming something like that, because i'm about 98% sure you haven't seen EVERY band in texas and EVERY other states' defending state champ.
  6. GE is a whole lot more complicated then i used to think it was.
  7. yeah, i remembered that. i wish marcus would go ahead and go. a lot of my friends(seniors) were really upset because they couldn't go this year. it's almost TOO much on a state year. not to mention going two years in a row would be REALLY hardcore(for a texas band) cus it's a stinkin' massive trip. cough*should be in texas and at the cotton bowl*cough. i still like my first prediction the best(the alien one). cus we all know texas bands are BA enough to save the world.
  8. is richland going to grand nats? i like richland a lot, lol.(ie. see my post in 'the most impressive band from area b')
  9. ok. i gotta ask you guys(people participating in this regional)... do you ever pay attention to the exhibition? cus our marching director was like, "this isn't like the BOA crowd, where all they care about is making finals..." i'm just thinking to myself... yeah, the people in these bands JUST wanted to come so they could see our halftime show, lol.
  10. post them... i'm sure a lot of people would like to see it(cough*me*coughcough)
  11. marcus always had difficult drill when i was there(at least the last two years did, lol). i'm pretty sure the props took away from that. because when i saw them at BOA arlington, i remember thinking they had a LOT of props... though after i saw the show, i thought they all served their purpose quite well, but then again i'm used to a lot of props so i usually ignore them, lol. i can definitely see how someone would consider some of them a bit cumbersome. as for richland(someone posted a question about it... i think) yeah, your show was really cool, and i loved the tuba thing and the beatbox, not to mention how incredibly difficult your music is(which you sound brilliant on, btw). it was great. i really love how you guys can put modern(popular) things in your show, yet still remain true to the music. it seems as though you guys are having a lot of fun while getting better musically, which is pretty much the point. there really aren't enough good things to say about you guys. but i do have a good story... at BOA arlington, my boyfriend came with me(his first ever marching contest). and you guys were his favorite out of everyone we saw. he was raving about your show(not to mention, being extremely impressed with how BIG the marching band scene is in texas, lol). it takes a tremendous amount of skill to impress the BOA judges and the UIL judge, while being exciting for the not so 'BAND' people... great job on a great show and good luck this weekend... ...and props to you(literally, lol) marcus and richland are the only people from tha 'B' that i saw(at least the only advancing bands, lol) i'm dyin' to see bell, hebron, and haltom though. just cus they're all fricken amazing, lol.
  12. i thought you could only medal by winning. i had an idiot moment, lol. idk. i just think it'd be cool if it happenned... cool, not likely.
  13. bell definitely is something to see.
  14. there was an article about marcus in the dallas morning news. it talks about the spending and stuff. i don't really want to get into the cost thing, because it's not really that important. the money for that stuff isn't handed to them. they work their tails off doing fundraisers ALL year just to put on a great field production. just had to get some of that out there, so people don't think of marcus as one of those schools that gets a TON of money from the district. the lisd takes care of what we need and the students/boosters take care of the rest.
  15. there's nothing wrong with luby's. i just got a bad batch of something. a lot of people did actually, lol.
  16. what about finals a finals recap?
  17. yeah i've been wondering the same thing, lol. i'm all antsy in my pantsy... especially cus i wanted to go... dang stupid shsu football game that we LOST.
  18. i love reagan's new uniforms. it can never go without saying... that band's got style(probably a whole lot more than i'll ever know, lol). like all the stuff they do with their hats, the lime green... it all sounds kinda goofy, then when you see it it's like "that's the coolest thing i've ever seen" i also love marcus's(obviously, lol). too bad i'm too old to get to wear them. i got measured for them, though. westfield's are tdf. they make red look cool... SO cool. and god i love their show. no offense, but ld bells look the same to me, lol. i still kinda dig the old school thing they're rockin'. mostly, i just love how a lot of bands are sort of 'creating' there own uniforms instead of going with the usual templates the uniform company puts out.
  19. marcus recycled a lot of that stuff from fowl play as well... ie. the clams were once swans/peacocks. yeah... the stuff was bought with fundraiser money and built by volunteers.
  20. i meant i could see reagan takin' the pole at state, lol. but, if anyone did it... it'd be them.
  21. hey does anyone know the rank points or where i could find them?
  22. that'd be pretty sweet if a band won BOA sa, state, and grand nationals... all in the same year. it'd have to be like a world record or something, and they'd probably have to check the band for juicers, lol. that probably won't happen though. i could see reagan doing that... but i could also see a lot of other people doing that as well.
  23. does anyone have the rank points from area b?
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