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Everything posted by MRS. IaN KiNSLeR

  1. one thing you can never get enough of... great bands.
  2. now THAT's ****. they shouldn't do that.
  3. yeah... i probably should still go to class though. even though i'd rather be at state all day.
  4. i remember back in 04... i was almost the kid that threw up during the show. i don't know why our band directors thought it would be a good idea to feed us luby's(looobies) that day, but i've NEVER been back to one since then, lol. haha. i could so see myself... i got vomit on my white pieces.... ahhhhhh!
  5. i'll just watch marcus and bell in finals, assuming they both make it, lol. i'd have to leave huntsville at like 2am to get there for that(6am)... if i wasn't going with someone i'd prolly do that though. haha <----------band geek, lol.
  6. i wish i could be there the WHOLE day. stinkin' class... at least i get out at twelve, lol.
  7. there will be an alien attack threat, but, because of the collective awesomeness of all the bands at the competition, a forcefield will be created, shield the alamodome, and send whatever foreign object it was back into outerspace. all of this will happen, of course, without the knowledge of the bands and audience members. but, in the end, the whole world will be thanking texas bands for saving the planet, lol. haha, just kidding. hopefully if anything out of the ordinary does happen, it's a pleasant suprise kind of deal...
  8. it's tough to have a good field production with ALL the people that allan has, and they do a good job of it every year. it's just a whole lot easier for judges to notice mistakes and things when there are THAT many people on the field, and there's really no buffer zone for 'oh, it was clean for how many people are there'. it's either really clean or really not. allan wasn't as close as they have been in the past, though i will credit that to the realignment. at the same time, i will give them props for being good and entertaining at the same time... the bigness of their band is often intimidating and a lot of people enjoy watching their shows. a lot of bands got 'robbed'... tha "B" is way too ba for it's own good, lol. and people who feel robbed need to reassess and realize that if you made finals, you're obviously doing something right. the rest is really out of your control.
  9. haha. that's funny. idk though. the do weird stuff. in 04 at area c they anounced marcus last, eventhough we got second and rowlett(or something that starts with an 'r') made it. but i think they were just messing with our heads cus it was our first year, lol. they prolly just didn't want to deal with the placements. i don't think they would really care about saying bell got second... i mean they don't win EVERYTHING, lol. uil announcers are just dorks, plain and simple(at least that's my theory, lol) does anyone know the rank points(or whatever they're called) from finals?
  10. same here... i looked at the finalists. and was like 'bam... those five'. marcus got first in prelims... i'm literally shaking right now, lol.
  11. do you know the placements?
  12. cool, cool. i'm super pumped, and i'm not even going. i send my love to marcus, lol. (and everyone else... because i'm cool like that)
  13. people gonna post full prelims/finals results when they become available? i'm stuck in GA huntsville... SHSU just HAD to have a home game this week, lol.
  14. i'm sure your band director is doing what is in the best interest of the band, school, and/or district. if you're going to the super regional he in no way has a light year planned. you can also get better without competing against the big time bands. a contest is a contest no matter what, and you should prepare for every contest like it is grand nationals or state marching contest or whatever. then when it comes time for the big one you'll be ready physically and mentally. sorry if that sounds a little abrasive. i'm a music ed student and that just kind of hit a lil pet peeve, lol. but it's all good. just let your band director do his job and have FUN. it's your senior year, right? good luck with the rest of the season!
  15. i figured they'd at least make finals, idk. but, like i said i haven't seen them in a while. that's not right... putting ALL those good bands together and only picking four. while in places like west texas... ah, i won't get into it, but you get my point. that feels so weird hearing you say marcus is a garuntee. because when i went there, we were always the underdog that somehow miraculously made it, lol.
  16. i SO wish i could see the whole thing. but i have to work at the shsu marching festival and do an exibition, since i'm it the sh band. but, right after the ex i'm hightailing it outta huntsville, lol. so i'll be able to catch most of finals. even though i've seen everyone i wanted to see besides bell. i just want to see the finished products, and not to mention bell's been kickin a and takin' names all season, so i'm like REALLY curious as to what there show is. plus i just want to see all of marcus's show and not one where the last couple sets were just bs-ed, lol.
  17. what about creekview? didn't they make it back in '04? idk, i haven't seen them in a while. but shouldn't they at least make finals.
  18. i'm working as a 'band guide' from like 6 til 8. ugh. it's so early, lol. but this way i get to watch more bands. oh, who says what's up to kristen? i need a name so she doesn't think i'm a krazee, lol.
  19. yeah in '04 marcus was there for like 4 or 5 days. it was so much fun. we got to do a whole lot of social stuff, and that was our first time to make finals at the super regional and state... so everyone was psyched the whole trip. it was a really great experience.
  20. oh, btw, i saw pearland at BOA last week, and you guys looked amazing. great job!
  21. i'm working at it. cus i go to sam houston, and i'm in the band. you should check us out. i think we're doing an exhibition, and i know, if we do, it's gonna be our queen show. which is pretty kick a. i particularly like the easiness of the drill. lol.
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