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Everything posted by JBone

  1. It's nice to see a good review here so I don't have to go to indianamarching. Thanks.
  2. Wait... two Avon's? Which one is the one that generally makes finals/is a contender for the top spot? Also, first block Friday looks like fun! Is that random(or semi random)? That's pretty awesome if it's random.
  3. Just wanted to say y'all did a great job again. Thank you.
  4. Ahh, that's a shame. Still, top 4 going, so awesome. All 4 have the potential for finals, and even dare I say high placements at finals? And Clear Brook has a solid shot at Semi's for sure. I hope Richland has fun at the Rose Parade though. Those are always a blast. I know I had fun when I marched in the Fiesta Bowl.
  5. 5 of the top 6 bands from the SA Super Regional will be at Grand Nats this year. I think this is the best Texas year at Nats yet. Get excited.
  6. I'm not, that's why I said we'll see when the scores come out.
  7. Not necessarily. The fact that they won GE in prelims and didn't even make top 3 in class makes their visual and music scores questionable. We'll see when the scores are released, but since UIL doesn't have GE they could very well have a tough time. That said, I wish them the best of luck.
  8. Yes. Because it makes a difference. That was not my intention. You just decided that I was trying to be negative. I'm just trying to point out that State is gonna be a whole different animal. This is after all the UIL thread, not the BOA thread. I said congrats to all of them. They all deserved their spots. You do obviously. Me. It's not an argument, I'm not sure why you are so contentious. I judged no one. I never said, oh well if Richland were there OBVIOUSLY Reagan would not have made finals. All I said was that Richland wasn't there. My point being they will be at State. Next time I will be more clear. Way to flame me for nothing.
  9. Keep in mind that there were a lot of high caliber bands that were not in attendance though.
  10. It wasn't based on Area results it was based on the Area performances. I based it on what I thought of the show and how much farther they could take it by SA. I wasn't impressed by Reagan at Area, and with the changes they've been facing I wasn't sure if they could step it up. I'm happy to say they have proved me wrong. Congrats to all the bands who made finals though. Keller and Friendswood really came out of left field. Anyone have their own personal scores for prelims that they'd like to post? I'm curious.
  11. Could not have said it better myself.
  12. Gig'Em... To bad we stink this year...
  13. Heh, I was kind of replying to both of you. I wasn't trying to criticize you at all though, just explain why I didn't pick Reagan for finals.
  14. Mmk, well let me clarify then. I have Leander down as a Bubble Band. So no, I don't have them as a lock in finals. In fact I was iffy about putting them down for a bubble band, but I rather liked their show. Honestly, I'm not much of a believer in the whole UIL bands and BOA bands are completely different theory. While there are differences, there are just too many programs(these two included) who do well in both competitions. Edit: Also, I'm not saying these bands are by any means bad, it's just that SA is always stacked.
  15. Cool addition guys. It's definitely a useful resource.
  16. Cedar Park HS, TX Stephen F. Austin HS, TX Winston Churchill HS, TX James Bowie HS, TX L.D. Bell HS, TX Marcus HS, TX Haltom HS, TX Hebron HS, TX My locks(preformance order). The usual suspects really, minus Reagan due to their performance at area. I'm sure they will be back on my locks list in a few years though. Georgetown HS, TX Leander HS, TX W. Charles Akins HS, TX Langham Creek HS, TX Westlake HS, TX Arlington Martin HS, TX Colleyville Heritage HS, TX Clear Brook HS, YX Berkner HS, TX The Woodlands College Park HS, TX Fossil Ridge HS, TX Those are my bubble bands, those in red are my umm... more likely finalists?, but they aren't locks. Again these are performance order. Sad to see we will be missing Woodlands, Richland, Brazoswoods, Westfield etc. Should be a fantastic competition none the less, and it might be nice to see some more faces in finals.
  17. So, it's about time to play the SA predictions game. I'll post my list of locks and bubble bands soon. I'm excited!
  18. No surprises from this Area. I even had Mansfield at #6. Congrats to everyone of course.
  19. So from the scores it looks like Bowie and CP were the obvious top 2 and then 3-7 looks pretty close? Interesting. Should be a fantastic State competition, hopefully I can make it to SA. I think all the Area D bands are capable of finals this year and I fully expect 4 at least. Can anyone post the prelims results?
  20. Good job Conally and Vista Ridge.
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