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  1. Apparently Hebron is getting Mike Martin on their design team. (he also works with the Cavaliers) He posted about it on his Instagram (@playwritemusic).
  2. I bet it's those new uniforms. It would be so cool to see them in person right before they leave!
  3. Hebron will be getting new uniforms this year. They just posted a picture on Sunday with some added details. I also believe Hebron is going to be adding an outro to their show. I remember that from their parent music performance in August.
  4. This is a bit unrelated, but isn't Hebron getting new uniforms this year? I wonder if they'll debut it at San Antonio.
  5. I just saw a tweet from Sandra Day O'Connor band saying that Duncanville has been cancelled due to expected rain.https://twitter.com/thepantherband/status/657249657899188224
  6. Based on the BOA regional, I would say that Hebron is in the lead, but honestly both programs (Hebron and Marcus) are incredibly talented and anything can happen.
  7. Do you think that Hebron's high musical capability will be able to pull it out against Marcus's clean but not so GE show at BOA Arlington?
  8. I love Reagan and Hebron's ballad so so much! (But Hebron's a bit better in my opinion)
  9. True but more people have Hebron as 1st place than Marcus.
  10. Agreed. Hebron has a lot to pull through on if it wants to win. Marcus and Round Rock seem like huge contenders. And since this is a GN year for Round Rock they're definitely going to be vying for that top spot. I think that Hebron may be able to to take the music caption and maybe GE if they can clean up in time but my bets for visual are on Marcus or Round Rock.
  11. Hebron's show is definitely good, and I hope that they can keep up the great work. Sometimes I feel like Hebron isn't SUPER strong visually, and that it's not as engaging visually as the music, I'm really excited to see them this week. I wonder how they'll do against Marcus and other great bands especially if they want to put out some of their closer this week. But I hope they can pull a win at Arlington.
  12. The scores for this contest seem interesting...if I remember correctly Hebron was able to score in the 90's for their second contest. Has the scoring become a bit stricter for HEB?
  13. How has Hebron been doing? I have really wanted to see how they've come along so far, but haven't seen any videos.
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