It's all fine and dandy that we all have our own opinions. We are entitled and encouraged to voice them. But DON'T hate somebody else for not having the same opinion as you.
In regards to the placements in finals, they are what they are you can't go back and fix them. You have to deal with the judges choices, and scores. You may not agree with their choice/decision but you can't change it. If in all reality Westfield really wasn't as good as you say they were than they wouldn't have been in finals.
All in all don't hate someone else for the opinions that they hold, chances are they hate your opinions as well.
Congrats to all the bands that made finals at Arlington. They all deserved it, granted I was shocked that Hebron didn't make finals, but if the only thing that held them back from finals is their "time penalties," than we all know that they would have done really well. The biggest surprise in finals was Colleyville Heritage advancing to finals and placing 6th. I graduated from Colleyville Heritage last year and this is a huge step in the right direction for this group. If only I was a senior this year. I'm proud of them, unfortunately I wasn't able to make it to finals or prelims to see them perform, but I know they did well.
Well enough of my ranting. And once again CONGRATS to all the bands that not only made finals at Arlington but to those that performed. Good luck to everyone the rest of the season.