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  1. oh theyre gonna be swimming rather than marching with the humidity
  2. I know churchill's show lacks GE so far this season, but I have heard rumors of props being added to the show in the very near future. Whether that means this weekend or after I have no clue, but once they clean the music over the course of the season I feel like the show will be very strong. IMO their visual is already better than in years past
  3. Churchill at the Dripping Springs https://youtu.be/TEPfFJaExuY
  4. Churchill has had a few director swaps through the years. Last year they got a new Colorguard director and this year a new Percussion and Assistant director. Both the percussion and assistant directors had been techs for the last 4 years or so, so there really wont be a shift in power. As for percussion, the new director tends to go less intense note-wise than in years past. The energy and cleanliness will be on the rise though, so a good change. Overall, I think the director changes will end up helping the band than hurting them this year. Gonna be easy to track their progress through the season bc they post videos of every occasion on their youtube channel
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