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Everything posted by Avisshadow

  1. Oak Ridge is always very strong in music which is probably why they’ve made the top 25 at SA the past 4 years or so. They just need to work on their visual and GE to put them into finals.
  2. And they are probably going to be even smaller next year since this year they still have their full senior class. I’m not sure if they’ll still be considered 6A after that.
  3. I think just Oak Ridge, Cy Fair, and JET.
  4. Amazing. I love how close Houston bands always are in skill, never knowing who’s going to top who at any given competition (except for The Woodlands of course) I haven’t heard much of Clements this season so I’m glad to see y’all are still performing well.
  5. BRIDGELAND??? I don’t know much about them so I didn’t expect that. I had assumed it was Brazoswood or JET that got first. Good for them!
  6. According to Oak Ridge’s Facebook page they got 2nd in prelims and perform at 9:15
  7. Yay! I’m so happy for Grand Oaks! Congrats to all finalists!
  8. If my memory serves me right, they are usually posted on the Lone Star Preview website Monday. That seems to be the trend of the past few years.
  9. And wow! College Park not in top half?? I haven’t seen their show this year but based on how successful they’ve been these past few years, this is shocking.
  10. Thanks for the updates! Of course the bands we knew for sure would make it made finals. Though I’m kinda disappointed to not see Grand Oaks make it. Even though I’m an Oak Ridge alumni, I technically live in the Grand Oaks feeder zone now so I of course want them to do well.
  11. TWHSParent is among those here that always has well thought out and logical comments; I’m a fan. Anywho, I agree with their comment about people not putting BOA Houston in consideration. Obviously the area has less BOA SA finals “locks” than the other cities in Texas (only having The Woodlands) but their “bubble” bands are just as relevant and talented as the other areas. People seem to disregard them just because they’re from Houston.
  12. Why is Klein Oak and College Park so high? Klein Oak made 20th and College Park 21st in Houston prelims while Brazoswood made 9th. I do recall College Park making a huge leap last year between BOA and Lone Star Preview but to put them above Brazoswood is bold.
  13. Thank you for all your updates, TWHSParent! I hate not being able to be there.
  14. Really rooting for Grand Oaks to do well. They’re a new school without a senior class but they have lots of potential.
  15. I would definitely think so, however anything can happen. For example, last year SFA and Pearland placed in the top 2 at the Friendswood contest but didn’t even make finals at houston boa while Oak Ridge had got 3rd behind them at Friendswood and placed 6th in finals at boa the following week. BOA Houston: Battle of the infinite bubble bands
  16. I agree, very impressed with them. Looks like they have been consistently improving the past few years. 2nd-5th place were tight so if any of them are going to BOA Houston next week (I’m too lazy to check right now) it’ll be another bloodbath.
  17. FINALS RESULTS 1st Clear Brook 2nd Pearland 3rd Dawson Outstanding Auxiliary: Clear Brook Outstanding Percussion: Clear Brook Outstanding General Effect: Dawson Outstanding Music Performance: Clear Brook Outstanding Visual Performance: Clear Brook Finals Recap: https://recaps.competitionsuite.com/c91893fe-2413-4373-b769-e8590c996aea.htm Prelims recap: https://recaps.competitionsuite.com/4c42b2b6-ed21-4e96-91ab-ff029677e855.htm
  18. Got the full PRELIMINARY results from the contest’s website: ****5A*** 1st: Grand Oaks 2nd Willis 3rd Ball General Effect caption: Willis All the other captions: Grand Oaks *****6A**** 1st: Clear Brook 2nd: Oak Ridge 3rd Dawson Outstanding percussion: Clear Brook Auxiliary: Clear Brook General Effect: Dawson Visual: Pearland Music: Oak Ridge
  19. No seniors yet. It just opened last year, so it only has 9-11 so far and yeah it’s in Conroe ISD
  20. Oh coolio, I can’t wait to see the scoresheets later on how close the scores were.
  21. According to Oak Ridge’s Facebook page, For 6A Clear Brook got 1st, Oak Ridge 2nd, Dawson in 3rd. Oak Ridge winning best music. Is Pearland in 5A then?
  22. When I attended Oak Ridge once upon a time, I loved how on odd number years we’d be the home team so the Woodlands would perform their show facing us, and usually we played against them near the end of the season so we’d get a finished, Grand Nationals quality show locally without having to travel to any contests. By that year I had already graduated so I was there in the stands for my sister who still attended school. I remember thinking that my ear drums might burst when TWHS performed Crossing Boundaries, I was near the front and MAN were they powerful! Nothing yet since has topped how I felt during that show. And then a couple weeks or so later they win Grand Nationals! My favorite marching band moment ever!
  23. I’m personally bummed it’s in Katy, but that’s merely due to me being lazy and enjoyed it when BOA Houston was 5 miles away from me. I also was hoping that the Houston regional would be on a different day than Dallas, considering all the coverage was focused there this past season, but that’s just me being nit picky.
  24. The woodlands is 1st of course, but who’s the 2nd best? Cy-fair? Oak Ridge? Pearland? College Park?
  25. While I definitely agree that the split didn’t seem to affect Oak Ridge negatively this year at all (quite the opposite)and success does breed success, I also share concerns with TWHSParent as to whether their good fortune this year will continue. Though my concern isn’t at all with them having fewer band members, they’ll have plenty; It’s the amount of financial and community support as a result of the split. Being from the area, I’ve seen a correlation of the improvement of Oak Ridge’s band and school as a whole the past few years with the amount of more affluent neighborhoods being built as a result of Exxon Mobile headquarters being built in Spring, TX. Maybe it’s a coincidence, idk but I think it plays a role somehow. Unfortunately with the split with Grand Oaks, basically ALL of the newer and wealthier neighborhoods feed into Grand Oaks leaving Oak Ridge with the older and less affluent neighborhoods. I recall that that was a major concern when deciding on who will be zoned to what school since it was seen as being so disproportionate. While money alone doesn’t make a good program, it definitely helps, and hopefully it won’t stop Oak Ridge’s recent rise.
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