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Tailgate88 last won the day on April 6 2016

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  1. Audience Choice might have gone to the last placed band yesterday .... they were dang sure one of my favorites!
  2. I have no words for that FloMo show. I'll be rewatching that about a dozen times tomorrow. Crazy. Good luck to everyone. My goodness we have some amazing marching bands in Texas!!!!!!!
  3. Can't really say enough good things about that performance. What chops! That music book is just crazy. Definitely one of my favorite performances of the day so far.
  4. WOW Woodlands! You guys always get such fun shows - fantastic soloists, gorgeous props and wow can your brass play their faces off. That show had kind of a Bluecoats vibe to it, and I loved it! Definitely plan to see you guys again tomorrow. Great job!
  5. South Lake Carroll gets my vote for favorite props so far! The band kids running around with giant angel fish at the back of the field, the huge yellow submarine, and the guard with huge red crab claws on. Very original and whimsical! Not sure it's a finals worthy performance but very fun and satisfying - well done kids!
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it was only a handful of years ago where UIL "officially" took props or guard into consideration at all scorewise. The rubric was must music and marching up until that point.
  7. Great show by Coppell! That ballad was beautiful and the closer was blowing some folk's hair back in the stands!
  8. Burleson Centenniel's percussion is ridiculous. They have a crazy indoor percussion program as well. That was a heck of a show. Loved Argyle - can't wait to watch that show again at Grand Nats. This McKinney North show is putting a big ol' smile on my face. What a fun show! Love that they stepped out of the normal marching band type stuff and are just having a fun, jazzy blast of a time out there. And performing at a high level.
  9. LOL well NFHS has "Roma HS" on the bottom of the screen as Argyle performs....
  10. Highcam disappeared, now Multi-cam is working for the first time today....
  11. Yes. It's been terrible this year. The multi-cam was trash all day yesterday and now this today during finals? I'm sure all those Roma parents watching from home are thrilled.
  12. Mesquite just started. Wind is wreaking havoc with props.... streaming on NFHS.
  13. For all the band kids reading this that did not make finals (and those that did), listen carefully: you are still amazing, and you still are part of an amazing band program, and nothing will ever take that away from you. I watched every single performance yesterday and they were all spectacular. Every single band is made up of great kids that work hard together towards a common goal. You are making memories, and friends, and learning skills that will last you a lifetime. Hold your head high, you deserve to.
  14. Is anyone having luck watching NFHS? My feed has been trash for the past couple hours. Probably only getting to watch about 25% of every show. I hope they get this fixed.
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