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Posts posted by CTJBandPops

  1. I wouldn't see CTJ at the top 3 because their style is more BOA than UIL. It would most likely be Hebron, Vandegrift, and Flower Mound this year or the Lewisville ISD trio (including Marcus with Hebron and FloMo). CTJ might rank 4th-7th depending if the show is written to rank high in BOA or UIL but their shows are more design for BOA. The Lewisville ISD trio have shows that both do well in BOA and UIL. However, I believe Vandegrift might break the Lewisville ISD trio this year for State.


    I wouldn't see CTJ at the top 3 because their style is more BOA than UIL. It would most likely be Hebron, Vandegrift, and Flower Mound this year or the Lewisville ISD trio (including Marcus with Hebron and FloMo). CTJ might rank 4th-7th depending if the show is written to rank high in BOA or UIL but their shows are more design for BOA. The Lewisville ISD trio have shows that both do well in BOA and UIL. However, I believe Vandegrift might break the Lewisville ISD trio this year for State.

    I disagree - 2014 CTJ took BOA SA Gold and a UIL bronze. i believe the point was tossed out earlier that if more programs try to get their shows completed early in the season and spend their time polishing the program they can be successful in UIL and BOA.

    it appears to me (just my thoughts) that what impacts the scoring in UIL for BOA focused programs is in the drill/marching - if the drill is done early and there is time to polish that drill I think we could see some medals cross over this year - time will tell

  2. Thank you! Let's just hope it doesn't get rained out again this year! Also, dou you happen to know what local shows, if at all, that johnson is doing this year?

    I am not aware of any local shows (Rough Rider or Yamaha cup) - they are at UIL Region and Area at Heroes, BOA SA and hopefully UIL State.


     they are doing BOA in McAllen, Austin, and Houston


     They are at Heroes for FB games 9/14 and 9/28

  3. and as many have posted in the previous threads - we have 4 major things to look at in the early part of the season that could define who will rise to the top

    • How many programs will follow CTJ's lead and have their entire show on the field early in the season
    • Will it be possible for some get it all on the field with many districts starting the school year earlier than usual?
    • 6A state year - who will tone down their show for a chance to medal at state at the expense of a BOA Medal in SA? and will this give an opening for some 5A programs to step up in BOA since they do not have state this year?
    • Scoring - CTJ posted the earliest 90+ score and finished the season with the highest score ever posted outside of Grand Nats - is there a scoring trend or are the programs just continuing to elevate their programs earlier in the season?

    should be some very interesting story lines this year - but we know that we will likely end the season by saying it was the best year ever  

  4. So out of all of the show announcements on the 2018 show anouncement thread, which are yall most excited for?

    too soon to tell - while it is great to hear the show announcement and what music will be played - it all depends on direction the music will take, the visual component with marching and props.


    even if we don't know the name of the show or music to be played, there are plenty of programs you always watch - Like FloMo, Marcus, CTJ, Hebron, Regan, Vandy, Leander - just to name a few


    The Austin Regional should identify who we need to watch for the season

  5. I think one lesson at least several of the bands learned last year, for sure, is that if you stay at the same level as in previous years, you will be passed up. It is no longer good enough to maintain your current standard of performance and expect to have the same success. Round Rock, in particular, learned this the hard way. At least I hope they learned this. It's a different game every year and you are either moving forward or sliding backwards.

    I would agree - there are many of the big "known" bands that slide up and down each year in the top 5-10, but there are always the new members that have a defining year and enter that fold - In Texas we see that the fold continues to grow.

    that was clear in San Antonio last year when there were many programs - 5 to 10 that would make finals in most any other regional or super regional


    it will be interesting to see who will step up this year to enter that fold and who may fall out

  6. I'm bored and want to be bold. Let's rile some people up, baby!


    -Marcus is exiled from medaling after their historic 10-year run

    -Top 3 is compromised of Vandegrift, Hebron, CTJ

    -In terms of music performance, Vandegrift ascends into the ranks of Hebron to form a co-league of their own (have you seen that pre-season video of Vandy? jesus.)

    -CTJ's 2017 success, accredited to their pre-season learning of the show, ushers in a return to a trend of more difficult/complex shows that are not only able to do well at both BOA and UIL, but ARE executed incredibly well (finally laying to rest for good the enduring 'UIL vs. BOA show!!!!!' gripes & grievances*)

    -No new finalists, although former finalists who have recently missed it will return

    -I attempt to fill in the hole produced by the absence of Rubisco, but miserably fail


    *as if

    well said - I agree 100%

  7. while I cannot speak for the organization - IO would assume that their purpose in McAllen in 2015, Midland Last year, and their return to Mc Allen this year is due to their support of BOA. While some see this as a chance for them to medal in this event, they are providing a showcase to the other south Texas bands that may never step into the BOA arena. it is a chance to see what BOA is all about and energize them to continue on their BOA quest. I applaud them for their dedication in growing the BOA franchise - but yea - I think this is just a beach trip for the group and a chance to tune up and get the judges comments before Austin the following week

  8. I agree. Semi-finalist lock for Prosper. They have a chance at finals, but it would only be if they continue to improve at an accelerated rate.


    Personally, I am hoping that American Fork from Utah makes finals this year since they are returning to GNats again.

    AF has a very good program and has for many, many years - we used to host them in NorCal back in the 80's and they always swept - glad to see them make it to the "next 10" last year

  9. How to say this delicately... based on last year's result, Prosper is not a GN finalist lock. If they can find 4 or 5 points with this year's show, then they will be fighting for top 12. We'll have to see what they learned from GN 2017 and how they apply that to their show in 2018. I certainly enjoyed watching them at Indy, but a guaranteed finalist band, even without other TX bands present? I wouldn't say that right now, but we'll have a good data point after the DFW regional, and certainly after San Antonio.


    In other words, this does not definitively move the needle for potential non-TX finalist bands at GN (yet). It will, however, knock someone out of semi-finals, as I think they are at least a semi-finalist.

    I would agree - no offense to their program but last year they placed 23rd in semi finals and even the lack of the normal 4-5 other Texas bands that make the run into finals, they are going to need a solid 90 to make finals 

  10. My understanding is that Conroe ISD allows 1 out of state trip every 2 years, hence TWHS going to Indy every other year.

    I do not know that our local districts have a set number of events our a routine - I know that they have to present to the school and district the value of the trip and justify the kinds time out of class but I think for many it is a cost thing. being cautious of the expense that parents have to shoulder each year

  11. It generally seems to hold true that there’s an inverse relationship between football team quality and fine arts (specifically band) quality.

    I have heard the same from FB Parents - it is not the same without the band......

    I have seen the local middle schools step up to support the marching programs of our high schools during these trips out of town when they miss games

  12. Oh my goodness, that's ridiculous! Football is just the activity that happens before and after the halftime show. We band folks know what's REALLY important! :D


    Seriously though, that blows. :(

    I recall that in the past - it is a shame - a program such as TWHS that has won the Eagle not competing at a home event, to play a halftime - that is a crime and a shame that the school would have so little respect for a marching arts program with such a great program. 

    I hope it changes - we love watching TWHS perform

  13. of the Horn Rank "Top 30" - 17 of the top 30 residing in Texas - here are where those bands will be this BOA Season - as noted earlier - no Texas bands are scheduled to attend Grand Nats in 2018

    • McAllen has only 1 of the top 30 - CTJ
    • Midland has no top 30 bands but it will still be a great show with some up and coming programs
    • Austin has 9 top 30 bands this year - second only to BOA SA for the bigger programs - CTJ/Vandegrift/Cedar Park/Hendrickson/Bowie/Cedar Ridge/Leander/Round Rock/Vista Ridge
    • DFW - 6 of the top 30 - Hebron/Marcus/Flowermound/Cedar Park/Kellar/LD Bell
    • Conroe - 5 of the top 30 - CTJ/Vandergrift/Reagan/TWHS/Bowie
    • Waco - 4 of the top 30 - new event that will prove to be entertaining - Marcus/Cedar Park/Hendrickson/Round Rock
    • San Antonio - all 17 of the top 30 Texas Bands are scheduled to compete

    while I looked at the top 30 - there are many bands that will surprise us this year that are not in that top 30 - just remains to see who they will be - Austin, DFW, Conroe and especially San Antonio have plenty of bands that will shake up the finals - Midland should provide a program with its first BOA regional title


    CTJ and Cedar Park have the most BOA performances this year with 3 Regionals and the SA Super Regional - I did not look at those that may perform out of state this year


    this is what happens when a band geek cant sleep and has too much free time on their hands

  14. There have been a few alterations to accommodate the bands that reside within districts starting earlier.  The ability to use as many hours as they like on weekends throughout the entire month of August regardless of their start date, for example.  At least, I think that's been approved.  I definitely remember reading about the change.    

    so if that is true and only for those with the early start - does that put others that don't start early at a disadvantage?

  15. In this case they probably want the BOA judges feedback before heading to Austin so they can make any necessary changes. Also for SA programs in particular, there aren’t as many competitive local contests as there are in dfw, Austin, and Houston. But i can see how going to a far away contest you’re 99.9% certain you’re going to win would seem kind of pointless.

    all about where you can compete and the cost to do so

  16. As we discuss the differences between UIL and BOA, I have to wonder how many of the writers are involved in Class A, AA, AAA and AAAA Bands and their programs. The simple fact is that BOA is extremely expensive for small schools and trying to meet the BOA standards while also competing for UIL is not usually a good use of funds. A look at the numbers tells you that there are approximately 1300 HS Bands that compete in UIL Regionals each year. BOA has usually about 200 different schools (primarily 5A & 6A Bands) competing at the BOA contests. I think it would be interesting to hear from folks in small schools about trying to do both types of shows. UIL exists to provide contests for all size schools, this is not the requirement for BOA.

     I think you have moved away from the conversation - first - this topic is about BOA SA. but to your point, UIL is every other year in Texas and even in a "State Year" there are 3 opportunities to perform if a band advances through region, area and state - that is a lot of work for a single show performance in a non-state year - one and done.

    While I am not privy to the details of the cost of BOA, all competitions cost money, travel etc... it's costly regardless who hosts the event. It goes without saying that the larger programs can attend more events because they have more members to share the costs with.

    lets start a new thread if this is a topic you want to pursue 

  17. Thank You for stating this, I was just writing about some peeps saying the top was the same every year.  Maybe short term, but the top 10 Texas bands has been a constant merry go round for the last 30 years.  Sure you had the LD Bells, the Marcus Bands, Leander, The Woodlands, Westfield and Spring rule the roost in their particular time periods, however, that is not because of rep in my opinion. If rep wins BOA super regionals then Hebron wins this last year, certainly not CTJ.  I've liked CTJ since they came on the scene but they haven't been the judges or directors choice because of their out of the box style.  Now I love Hebron, being from NTX, but I don't think anyone would say CTJ wasn't the best at BOA.  However, there have been other times where I thought one band was the clear winner and the judges thought differently.  Rep does matter, but it doesn't keep a band that executed well from overcoming rep to win at least in BOA.  I don't see CTJ winning the state UIL contest without being much more conservative, but UIL and BOA are two totally different philosophies.

    I think that remains to be seen - while I agree there is a difference in style and scoring - I think they are getting closer.

    2012 - Marcus won gold in both UIL and BOA

               Bell won bronze in both competitions

    2014 - CTJ won BOA Gold and UIL Bronze

    2016 - FloMo won gold in both competitions 


    I think that there are a number of programs that can meet the right points in both programs

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