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Posts posted by CTJBandPops

  1. They're planning it already. I know some CTJ moms that said that this was the case any way. Maybe they just don't give a hoot about progressing out of area at UIL.

    CTJ made state finals early in their history - and in 2014 they won the BOA SA  Gold and then won a UIL Bronze Medal days later. I do not speak for them, but my understanding was bowing out of UIL finals last year was based on their start time in Indy and ensuring that all their equipment could be there with the new UIL changes to their schedule. I saw the director post that here on this post.


    I have heard the same, that they may be going but it is not a snub to UIL.

  2. The internet is a powerful thing.  A lot of people witnessed the unusually positive experience that Avon had coming down to Texas including directors from other schools, despite Avon probably not getting the placement they would've liked.  I could see other directors wanting that for their own students and attempting a similar trip to SA.  The only barrier being that making finals at San Antonio is soooo tough, and making finals really is important for that quality of experience the same way making Finals at GN is for the Texas bands that elect to go.

    very good insight - appreciated - to your point, I think the positive experience that Avon shared may increase the travels - great points by all, just throwing it out there and by no means saying that Gnats would go away -but to others points - "many bands see the SR as the end of their season, and if that SR offers more competition, why would we spend the money to go to grand nats - again, not that GNats may become less significant, but that San Antonio may become more significant for those that want to compete at a high level and not spend $2K per student


    appreciate everyone's thoughtful conversation

  3. I understand that the Grand Nationals brings a different crowd -  and that SA is not the ideal location to compete

    I also understand that is a week later than SA - but for most bands, that week is spent in travel - not rehearsing


    in 2013

    Round Rock went from 10th in SA to 4th in GNats

    Marcus went from 8th to 5th


    in 2014 Flomo went from 13th in SA to 6th in GNats


    in 2015 Hebron, TWHS, Round Rock and Keller all moved up in GNats finals compared to SA finals 


    in 2016 Cedar Park and Reagan both moved up in GNats


    in 2017 Avon, Marcus, FloMo, TWHS and Round Rock all moved up in GNats finals - including Round Rock not making finals in SA but finishing 12th in GNats.


    Just throwing it our there that San Antonio has become more competitive without the title of Grand Nats - will there be a time that winning San Antonio becomes more for a band than the GNats


    If there is any value in the Hornrank - which there is with kids that are not going to GNats - #1 and #2 last year did not attend GNats


    appreciate your thoughts

  4. I think the ultra competitiveness at the top in SA is causing the opposite effect. I think we are seeing more of a trend of Texas bands choosing to finish their season at non Texas Super regionals then non Texas bands coming to SA. The chance of making finals and performing twice is better for some really great Texas bands in Atlanta, Indy, St Louis or California.


    I can only recall 4 or 5 bands making the trip to SA in the last 6 years while Texas has 4-6 bands attend out of state super regionals every year recently.


    I would love to see more non Texas bands come to SA but I just don’t think it will happen.

    just looking at the last year - Haltom, Cedar Ridge and Westwood ventured out to Atlanta and St Louis for Super Regionals - and 2 of the 3 still came to San Antonio with CR in Finals


    you are correct - SA is usually Texas bands - but will that change? BA does not go to GN every year - when will they make a trip to SA? American Fork, Blue Ridge, Dobyns-Bennett, Union - all could make the trip to SA .


    just as we may see more Texas bands making the trip to Midland and McAllen for the chance at a finals or medal - I think that SA will start to see more Non-Texas bands making the trek to the lone star state

  5. I highly doubt that the flood gates will open and you will suddenly see a ton of big name programs from out of state show up at the San Antonio Super Regional.  Even though San Antonio is freakin' awesome, it is still just a Super Regional and Grand Nationals still has the allure of being hosted in the Marching Band Capital of The World.  Grand Nationals won't lose its level of awesomeness because of the sheer variety of bands, both stylistically and geographically, that attend.  


    In turn, there are some really awesome Texas programs that you may never see at Grand Nationals.  You'd be surprised how many programs in Texas feel that the Super Regional is enough for them and that doing an extra week of marching band is not desirable.


    One of the main reasons we saw what we saw at the Super Regional this year was because this was a Non-6A UIL State year.  Programs were free to explore visual ideas that they would not normally risk during a State year.  The Eight Minute Rule was not a factor as these 6A programs began putting together musical repertoires.  On State years, you usually see more "buttoned-up" visual concepts since the UIL system really focuses on polish and cleanliness.

    I agree that the pageantry of Grand Nats and the venue itself will continue to draw huge crowds and I don't mean to diminish the event - I know that there are a number of growing Texas programs that have done well in SA that have never been to Grand Nats and may never go - 

    I would dispute the notion that being a non-6A state year was a big impact - we saw a number of Texas 6A Bands that went to Grand Nats last year that may return again next year during a state year.but all valid points that we will have see how it plays out next year

  6. I know this will not be a popular discussion, but as the
    season is over, it will give us something to chew on till next year.


    I wanted to touch on a few facts, while the finals just
    finished at Gnats – and I have not looked at the data for the past few years –
    I am intrigued by a statement made earlier on the BOA San Antonio Super
    Regional blog that SA is in fact a stronger competition – and felt it needed to
    be explored


    So here is the question – with Avon coming to San Antonio in 2017 – will we see more bands, such as Carmel (as they did in 2002) or even
    Broken Arrow or other national players (Castle/Union/ Marian Catholic) start making the trip to San Antonio?


    Will it make Grand Nats irreverent?


    As we have seen in the past, while there is another week of prep that will change the results – BUT the variance between SA and GNats is
    significant – while it is a nicer facility - will it impact the results??


    I post the following with no disrespect to any program – just stating the facts as they are


                      San Antonio Results                                       G Nats Results


    Round Rock                        Missed finals - 18th place                               Finals 12th place


    Woodlands                         11th Place in SA                                              7th in Gnats 1 +Point + increase


    FloMo                                  6th Place in SA                                               5th in Gnats 1 +Point + increase


    Marcus                                7thPlace in SA                                                4thin Gnats 2 +Point + increase


    Avon                                    4thPlace in SA                                                3rd in Gnats 1 +Point + increase


    If there becomes a rush to come to San Antonio - will that degrade the value of the Grand Nationals?  there is so many high quality, top notch bands that do not make the trip to Indy, just due to the cost of the trip, will it impact the results


    just another FYI - there were 18 of the top 30 bands (per Horn Rank) in San Antonio SR - and only 12 ranked bands in Grand Nationals -  



  7. Just some food for thought...


    The Highest and lowest scores that have been recorded for 12th place at GN Semifinals since 2000 were 85.40 in 2012 and 90.50 in 2007.


    Using that knowledge any band that has scored above a 90.50 this season has statistically a 100% chance of being in finals. 

    (Of course that is purely anecdotal evidence but then again so is a predictions list!)


    Those Bands would be (Included only if they are going to nationals):




    Flower Mound(TX)


    The Woodlands(TX)


    That leaves another 7 bands to make finals. Bands that have scored within the 85.40+ margin this season and going to nationals are...





    Marian Catholic(IL)

    Broken Arrow(OK)

    Blue Springs(MO)

    O'Fallon Township(IL)


    Round Rock(TX)

    Winston Churchill(TX)


    That's 10 bands.


    bands in top 40 but have not scored in this margin to watch out for would be...

    Center Grove(IN)



    William Mason(OH)


    Thats 21 bands that have a projected shot at finals in 2017. Only 12 get in(Unless a tie).


    Predictions... Just Finalists; no order other than top 6 and bottom 6.




    Flower Mound(TX)


    The Woodlands(TX)

    Broken Arrow(OK)


    Round Rock(TX)



    Blue Springs(MO)


    Marian Catholic(IL)


    Leaving out...

    Winston Churchill(TX)

    O'Fallon Township(IL)


    Center Grove(IN)



    William Mason(OH)


    Any of these band have the potential to make finals and I cant wait to see how it plays out! :) 

    data - I love data - very good points - thanks for sharing

  8. It's an adjustment for sure! But my now graduated band kid is only a short distance away at Texas State, and so we are able to attend all of the competitions together now. It's been a great bonding experience for us!!


    Visit the shows that are local and wait for my youngest to graduate middle school and join the big band.  He can't wait to wear the super suit.

    we still go to the shows - our oldest graduated 3 years ago - now we all attend together while we wait for our youngest to decide if he wants to do band or football - I think he is leaning towards band - we traveled to most of the Texas shows this year - we try to stay involved with our alumni group and still try to support the band when we can. But even as alumni it is still nerve wracking to watch - my daughter cried after Saturdays shows.

    I still sponsor the sweepstakes trophies every year for my alma mater in CA that hosts a band review every year. - we occasionally make the trip out to present the awards (when it does not fall on BOA SA weekend)

    I don't plan to every stop watching or supporting the marching arts - Go Band!!

  9. Absolutely exhausted after Friday night away football game, getting to bed around 1 am, getting up at 4:45, getting to the band room at 6:00, riding the bus to SA, absolutely tremendous super regional, getting back on the bus, and getting home around 4 (really 5 thanks to the time change). And we are already into planning the Indy trip today... Busy, busy, busy. Super fun though! I'm also glad that we've finally pretty much settled on our show, and won't be making massive changes (I say that, and then something big changes of course) - we'll spend our practice time at home and at the convention center in Indy this week cleaning it up. In case anyone was curious as to why we weren't present at prelims awards - they were rehearsing at Comalander stadium and didn't get back in time to attend. Trying hard to get back the time lost, and I think we are getting that gap closed to where we aren't a week behind everyone anymore.


    Our send-off performance is about 9 pm Tuesday at Woodforest.

    good luck in Indy - 

  10. I understand. In my opinion this is the best marching band year in history. If course it will not mean anything if we don't place higher. I just really wish we do. That was by far our best performance and everything lined up for us, and I just hope the results say the same.

    Keep working - there are up and down years. despite popular belief - every band has a down year - event the biggest programs. You cannot find a single program that medals every year. Avon just came to Texas and they have one of the best programs in the country - and finished out of the medals. FloMo - who you yourself said was "GOD" finished 6th after wining BOA SA the past 2 years.


    If you walk off the field knowing that you left the best show you had on that field - you won - enjoy the moment

  11. To the contrary banddad84 - data is not King when dealing with the arts. Regardless who won or their score it's a matter of preference in many cases. CTJ deserved to win last night but comparing these productions on a numerical basis is almost impossible. These finals bands are the best of the best and CTJ did not win prelims. I would hate to be a judge when they are all that good and accomplished.

    data will not always forecast the outcome - but predictive analysis provides guidance on likely outcome and 8 times out of 10 it holds true. in BOA, WGI and DCI it has shown to be true the past 5 plus years.


    it does not however, take away the human factor, so it is not always right -  the data does not say that a program will win because it won earlier by X points  - far from it. It does say that a program has a defined their season early on and has a high probability to succeed -  just my observation 


    I enjoyed all the shows this weekend, and looking forward to Grand Nats

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