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Posts posted by CTJBandPops

  1. 2 minutes ago, Samuel Culper said:

    This is confusing.  There are no Finals so how do we see new programs making Finals?

    in past years we have seen programs do well in area and advance to finals and then the finals moves them all around. with no finals, only 1 shot to advance even if you have a early morning show time.


  2. So - while killing time making pies for Thanksgiving, I decided to break this down a little more.

    Looking at the 2018 6A finalist for UIL State - it looks like this - WNP = Will Not Participate

    1. Vista Ridge                         WNP
    2. Flower Mound                    
    3. Vandegrift                           WNP
    4. Hebron
    5. Leander                               WNP
    6. Reagan                                WNP
    7. CTJ
    8. Keller                                   WNP
    9. TWHS
    10. Marcus
    11. Cedar Ridge                        WNP
    12. Waxahachie

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but this appears to me that the main fight for state will be FloMo, Hebron, CTJ, TWHS and Marcus - but we saw Vista Ridge jump in big in 2018. difficult to project with no BOA performances and limited videos available to avoid shaming, and we have no idea what the next 3 weeks of Covid quarantines will do to these or other programs 

    With no finals and a decreased participant group, I expect that we will see new programs making it into finals - some for the first time.

    Hoping for UIL 6A State and that everyone remains safe

  3. 1 hour ago, Dave609 said:

    Hey everyone, here is the Area C topic for the 2020 season! Some interesting results will be coming in, especially for 4A and 6A! For 2A, 5 Bands have qualified, so that means 3 bands are advancing to the 2A State marching contest. The 2A contest is also being held in the same venue as the 4A contest. For 4A, 11 bands have qualified for Area, so 3 bands will be advancing to State. Some big changes from Area C is that most of the Military bands are marching at the State Military contest, which means that some notable bands like Spring Hill will not be marching at the Area C contest. For 6A, 17 bands have qualified for the Area contest, so 3 bands will be going to State from this Area! Who do you think will advance to the State contest? 

    6A - Hebron, FloMo and Marcus - no doubts 

  4. 25 minutes ago, aaron067 said:

    Not your fault unless you posted the video, right? 

    On another note, CTJ is looking amazing.  Cleanest visual execution I've ever seen from them.  

    I would agree, CTJ always builds a BOA style show, even on a state year. This year with Covid-19 impact the show is very focused on the drill. I am looking forward to seeing what this looks like in 2 weeks

  5. from what I have heard to date - and this is subject to change, I would count these as locks (in no particular order)

    • FloMo
    • Marcus
    • Hebron
    • CTJ
    • Coppell
    • TWHS

    I am not aware of any of the Austin 6A big hitters that are going to UIL - 

    could open up spots for some new programs - in our school district, only 1 of the 7 high schools is doing UIL beyond Region - and some did not even do region.

  6. On 12/9/2019 at 2:26 PM, itsjaredh97 said:


    Not to mention Hendrickson moving to 5A and Hutto moving to 6A ensures that they will still take 6 bands from area to state. I feel like ctj, reagan, rr, bowie and cr are locks and hendy moving down almost ensures that Westwood won't see a lot of competition like they have in years past. Keep in mind too that when we edged out round rock in 2014, we were only one out of finals and we are SO MUCH BETTER than we were four years ago. also the addition of two more finalists might mean we'll see all six bands from area h in finals, with bowie and westwood seeing massive improvements. couldn't be more excited for next year!

    I would not count on any locks until we know for sure who will be attending. rumor mill here in San Antonio is that Reagan performed at Region but declined to advance to Area. the calendar does not show area or state competition 

  7. so in a normal year - next week would have been BOA Grand Nats - there were a number of Texas Bands planning for a 2020 trip - Reagan and Vista Ridge to name a few.

    So any word on if Reagan or Vista Rudge are making the trek to Indy in 2021? I know that TWHS normally goes during a non-state year like 2021 and there was some talk of CTJ getting into the same routine. I would assume that the normal players like Avon, Carmel will be there and unlike last year we could see Tarpon and Broken Arrow and many others as well. 2021 could be one of the largest and most competitive Grand Nats we have ever seen

    It will be interesting to see if the year away will bring out more programs to make the trek - with many shelving their programs for 2020 and doing a smaller program, does that extra time give them a show that they would feel more confident in taking it to Indy. I think the entire 2021 BOA season will be very competitive for that reason. 

    Fundraising could also be a major concern, I know a number of programs here that have seen a significant decline in the fundraising and it will be interesting to see if that continues into the 2021.

    I welcome others thoughts on the topic


  8. This was a topic late last year as Directors Choice was trying to break in as the new competitive circuit in Texas. it appears that while BOA and USBands are looking at Virtual events, Directors Choice still has the Alamodome for November 7th for their championship - while there are only 5 programs currently listed, the website shows that they have the Directors from Vista Ridge and Vandegrift as judges.

    Considering the advancement of UIL Marching this year on a delayed schedule, decreased infection rates in Texas and the loss of so many other performance opportunities. Could this event actually take off in November?  only 5 bands currently scheduled but registration is still open, so I wonder how many may sign on as programs continue to reopen their practices to face to face teaching and begin putting together a program for either UIL or even a Football halftime show that they could enter into this event.


  9. we have all thrown out our opinions as to if or when the marching arts should resume or if they should resume at all in 2020. With BOA and a number of other outlets on local competitions all cancelling their events, it appears that Texas UIL may be he only real competitive event for the marching arts this season.  Setting our politics aside on if you agree or disagree with the UIL decision. for the programs that have already stated that they will not compete this year, what is the long term impact on their programs?

    There is the financial impact, parents that are impacted by Covid that will go into the coming year and not be able to afford band fees in the future, Business sponsors that no longer have the ability to support programs. There is also the financial impact on the district - we have all seen that when district budgets get tight, Fine Arts is usually the first item that is decreased or cut all together. These cuts could impact program cost increases that could also impact participation levels

    and then there are the kids themselves, how many that lose competitive marching for a whole year, just never come back. Teenagers are funny that way. We have all seen some amazing musicians in programs that plan to pursue music beyond high school. but for every one of those, there are 20 more kids that marching band is a social event and have no intention of pursuing a career in music. if they bow out for financial reasons, the fact that their is no competitive season or such for a whole year, will they come back? 

    I hope I am wrong, but I think the impact of Covid-19 will linger beyond the nightmare we call 2020 - thoughts?


  10. as most on this site know, I am a fan of Claudia Taylor Johnson so no one will not be surprised by my selection. I had a guard member for 4 years, 4 years building alumni organization to support the program and have a sophomore in the current program. The CTJ program has won more BOA Regional/Supers in the Texas in the past 10 years, but what makes them my favorite is the fact that their primary goal every year is to create a crowd friendly show - there is always a method to the madness, a story, a reason to be on the field that exceeds the opportunity to win a medal - but the ability to let the kids enjoy being part of something bigger than themselves and walk off the field knowing that they gave it their all and that the crowd enjoyed their show. I watched their finals show in GNats last year in Lucus Oil and the crowd went crazy for the show - a 6th place finish, but a show that they were proud of. I am sure that there are many other programs that can say the same but that is just my thoughts

  11. 21 hours ago, LHSax said:

    Curious is they’ll adjust their show if we have a local circuit...sounds like they had something special planned for a GN year (hoping they give it another shot when this is all over)

    2021 could be a big "Texas" year at Grand Nats if all those that planned for this year just back up their plans by one year. I know that Reagan had planned to attend this year and VR - 2021 would be the normal rotation for TWHS and CTJ is considering matching that rotation where they go every other year on the Non-state years.

    Would be interesting if TWHS, CTJ, Reagan, and VR as well as any others that jump on to 2021 rotation

  12. On 6/28/2020 at 11:57 AM, LeanderMomma said:

    No I’m sure it isn’t. 

    There will be no season. Can we just announce that already and get this over with?  The kids need to move into the acceptance phase and dragging this out is just flat out cruel. 

    NO - you have kids that have been locked indoors since spring break - the chance that they are going to have a season gives them something to work for - doing conditioning, doing their music, working their drill. it gives them something to do at a time that they would otherwise just be playing video games and nothing else. what is the harm in that? 

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