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TX Suh-nare

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About TX Suh-nare

  • Birthday 12/12/1989

TX Suh-nare's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. At Troop, we'd turn on System of a Down and chug Monsters to hype us up.
  2. I doubt it would be a good idea to judge the electronics separately. What about the corps that can create the effects w/o electronics? Part of the percussive brilliance of '06 Cavies was that all the machine sounds were acoustic in nature (most amplified, but none were digitally created). If you add a new caption for synths, than almost all corps will now need them to be competitive. Plus, it goes back to my arguement about woodwinds in DCI. Judges need pay checks. Pay checks = $$$. I think one reason the 2 perc. judges are now scratched is partly a cost-cutting measure. Which I'm all for. From the rumors about DCI's financial struggles, it'll be good to cut some extra fat, both in bodies on the field, and also...well, let's face it: anyone who's marched before has seen what some of those greenshirts are like.
  3. Take this to heart: it can drastically improve a section's playing ability, which is the whole goal of this whole band/corps thing anyway. Never underestimate the power of section chemistry. A unified ensemble that not only practices together, but actually likes to, can make a decent ensemble good, a good one great, and a great one outstanding. Plan some time to get your boys and girls together to put away the instruments and just hang out. Find a restaurant (us in my 'ol HS line have done Buffalo Wild Wings multiple times, and even us that graduated still do) or any place to chill and be in a relaxed but fun environment. It's hard to believe at first, but it can pay off dividends in the way y'all play.
  4. Well then, if all goes well, I hope that we'll have some good competition with Bones. Looking at the potential Finals race this year, this is gonna be another good year for the semis corps kicking and scratching into Saturday night!
  5. Farewell, RCA Dome. It was fun marching on your turf while it lasted. Gosh, now I feel like I can be one of those old men that can say "You know, I remember marching in that there BOA contest in the OLD Colts' stadium!"
  6. Who else is excited about seeing the Cadets go back to Bernstein? If they do this show right, this year could be HUGE for them!
  7. On Saturday, December 13, the Troopers will host an all-day audition camp in Belton HS (north of Austin) for all sections from 9am-7pm. If you have any questions, message me to ask for my Facebook. I will be able to either answer your questions or direct you to the drum majors and section leaders that will be happy to help. I hope to see you out there. HLD
  8. This is going to make the Texas runs much more interesting...I'm stoked!!!
  9. Good arguments. You actually changed my opinion on 007. Thanks for that.
  10. http://members.troopersdrumcorps.org/staff.htm
  11. Sorry. We at Troop have Dean and Gordon, and we are NOT giving them up! haha
  12. Why does that name sound familiar?
  13. True stuff man. Especially from someone who's marching in a corps for all that history, it's more rewarding to help an organization come back or build up to a force than to join a corps that's already there.
  14. Heading out to Troop again...and talking with the caption head, he's working on an audition packet right now, and hopes to post it in the next two weeks.
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