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Everything posted by meursault

  1. I really don’t mean to be rude here, but read through this thread. Does anyone else think it’s a bit exhausting how much two or three accounts are constantly trying to boost a certain school? There’s very little actual discussion about the Area for the majority of the thread. Y’all had a great show last year and did well at the super regional you competed in. Let’s wait till your school has a competition this season before we continue to get crazy with all our predictions and debates.
  2. Agh - my bad. I figured that might be the case. Sorry about that to any Keller TC students that are reading this!
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp-1kYjTcZA here's timber creek. only vid i could find unfortunately. here's coppell from two weeks ago. it seems their band director releases vids every game so they should have another vid up later today.
  4. I could see Timber Creek getting gold over Coppell. The two programs were close last year and I expect them to be close this year. but being totally honest, I expect to see a pretty big gap between second and third place. I expect Coppell to come out on top with Timber Creek trailing very closely, but after that I don't really know. I definitely do not see Del Rio getting first over the other two programs.
  5. Point taken, but some 5A bands could potentially make the trip up like we’ve seen times in the past, and of course Leander was able to somehow compete in state and GN in 2016. I just think it’s interesting that we’re only a few months out from summer and we have no GM commits yet.
  6. If there are really are NO Texas bands at GN this year, this could be the year where we really start to see BOA SA become a true GN-type contest. It's kind of a signal that Texas bands don't think it's worth the time or money to go to Indy when we have SA so close by. This could definitely be starting an interesting precedent of power consolidation in Texas, even more so than last year.
  7. The reason why Texas bands (especially the best of the best) are so good is because they have to be INSANELY efficient with the time they are given. Losing one week of long rehearsals will definitely be a detriment, but I will be extremely surprised if there is any quality drop off at any level. Most likely, the LISD bands will have a bit less learned by the first contest. But honestly, I can't see this new schedule doing any substantive to the programs, directors, or kids.
  8. ugh. My heart goes out to the Area B kids. What was already the most competitive area in the state (by a wide margin if you ask me) has just become *that* much more competitive. No matter how you look at it, there are gonna be at least a couple VERY deserving bands that aren't advancing next year.
  9. Oh, and Keller Central of course. WOW.
  10. So, Area B now has: Keller: not much to say, over the past few years they’ve put out amazing shows with undeniable success. Bell: one of the most legendary bands in the country, and although recently they haven’t been at “top form,” they’ve still been doing extremely well. Haltom: missed state in 2016, then rebounded and got 3rd at a super regional this year. Coppell: legendary group in terms of UIL. When’s the last time they didn’t make state FINALS, let alone state?? Duncanville: fallen a bit recently, but still. Waxahachie: BOA regional finalists, UIL 5A finalists.... Prosper: see above Richland: another GREAT group, has been doing really well recently. Timber Creek: Great year last year, BOA regional finalist And this is just a contest to determine who goes to state. All of these groups are probably state finals contender-level, if not previous state/super-regional/regional finalists. This is ridiculous!!!
  11. All of us on the forum and at the competition want to thank y'all for making the trip down! It's no coincidence that the year Avon makes the trip down is also the most insanely competitive year by far- many programs were inspired to take it up a notch thanks to y'all. Good luck next week- you're now a part of #teamtexas too
  12. They just placed ahead of Cedar Ridge at BOA Atlanta. It’s impossible to say if they would have made finals here.
  13. Oh of course! That's why I think the trend is so unnecessary. And it's more than just bloo, I think something like 6 or 7 /12 of the dci finalists were micing the entire ensemble. It's just too expensive and unnecessary for high school!
  14. Could be wrong then- didn't even look today. I was just going off what I remembered from Southlake.
  15. Looks like they're mic-ing the whole field, unfortunately. UGH, I hate this trend.
  16. My thoughts after prelims: I think Avon took visual. They're extraordinary- it's awesome to have them come down to Texas! Hebron and Flomo will be battling it out for music, but I think Hebron has it. That opener is just non stop runs back and forth between WW and brass. just WOW! For GE, i don't know. It's so hard to tell what the judges see as GE and what they don't. Flomo and CTJ will probably be looking to take it. I don't know if Bell is going to make finals. I didn't watch their run, but it seems like it was a little rough, and their EARLY timeslot doesn't help either. We'll see though! It's just too hard to predict at this point. And some other random notes... Flomo's ballad is just gorgeous. Those two amazing soloists just absolutely play the heck out of their instruments. And the COLOR! WOW. One of the most effective uses of "bodysuit" type uniforms IMO, across drum corps and marching band. It just works so so well. And on top of all that, the entire ensemble is doing amazing bodywork and playing fabulously. Definitely one of my favorite moments this season. Hendrickson's show is so, so smart. Such a mature concept overall, and the kids performed it so maturely. I can DEFINITELY see them making finals! Coppell is a total sleeper this year. They started out pretty rough at Southlake, but their run this morning sounded and looked like a completely different band! Including new uniforms!! Their "jam out" session during the Fascinating Rhythm section was also just the most fun thing I've seen in a marching band in a long time. The kids are LOVING it too. Individual performance and energy was fantastic. Not a finalist on my sheet, but if there was a "MOST FUN" award they would win it by a LANDSLIDE. Watching Hebron is indescribable, really. I remember my high school days, when I was at a big Texas school surrounded by talented players, but I don't know if ANY of us could achieve musical excellence at the level that the entire ensemble of Hebron has. Bravo. ALSO: Love love love Vitae Aeternum. Avon's closer is still my favorite of the year. I honestly hadn't listened to much Maslanka before I saw their show, and I think my life is complete honestly. But yeah, that closer is just monstrously "balls-to-the-wall" (i'm hilarious), and the whole show has an amazing theme, too. AVON: THANKS FOR COMING TO TEXAS!!!
  17. yup! follow the txbands live blog for instant results as they're announced.
  18. Immortal was a really, really, really good show... I would be careful with dismissing Bell and Tarpon that quickly. I have no doubt Haltom will have a great show, but let's just wait till Saturday.
  19. Personally, I’d drop Coppell into the lower grouping and move Vista Ridge and Cedar Ridge up a bit. Also, a note: it will be VERY interesting to see if some of the GN bubble bands (aka Churchill) miss finals in SA and make finals in GN, or make both, or miss GN and make SA finals... and of course how the overall placement of Flomo, Avon, Marcus, Woodlands changes from SA to GN.
  20. For better or for worse, whether you liked it or not, Center Grove deserves to be at the center of discussion I think. They are absolutely pushing boundaries this year. Is this the future of the activity? Are wind players going to need to double as guard members? Is everyone going to need rudimentary percussion knowledge? Center Grove certainly just proved to me that it's realistic.
  21. Wow. Just watched Avon's Indy performance. If they clean it up, I don't know if anyone is touching them. Granted, it needs a LOT of cleaning- that is a Grand Nats show if I ever say one- but wow, what a powerful show. There's so many moments in there where I was just stunned. And the closer is just insane.
  22. There’s a US Bands regional after their regional championship? Huh.
  23. I meant more for the earlier regionals. Texas usually starts a little higher than other places around the country.
  24. ^^^^ can't wait to see what Texas brings to this contest.
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