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Everything posted by ChristopherRoden

  1. I think all of Clements was surprised at 30th place, i was almost certain we would've placed higher. Thoughts?
  2. What did everyone think of Clements?
  3. Wished I couldve seen CyFair, loved their show. But we were warming up during their show
  4. What fireworks are you talking about??
  5. CyFairs trumpet soli in the beginning is very unique and sounds really cool, definitely will be a great way to start prelims MelloYello
  6. Thanks that means a lot, we're doing our best to get as clean as we can get before next Tuesday, when it all matters
  7. How do you think Clements will place?
  8. It was a very stressful night, but very fun. Some very good bands performed tonight
  9. On the bus right now and it's raining, is there a rain delay at the stadium?
  10. I don't think we would be able to sleep not knowing who made finals! unless you're proposing that they announce it and have the contest the next day?
  11. As much as judges seemed to have loved Austin's "Summertime", how far do you think this will bring them in area/state?
  12. Sorry can't help there! Clements HS Trumpet class of 2019
  13. The Cy schools tend to have some good bands!
  14. From when is the last video you've seen? You're right, at this point, the show is basically done, just these next two weeks are going to be just cleaning it.
  15. Whats been everyone's favorite show so far in Area E? And who has the best GE? I liked SFA's music, it's catchy and fitting to their theme.
  16. They were very close to winning the music caption yesterday I heard, if they can get it clean I'm sure they'll do well at area/state.
  17. Did you see the Clements band yesterday? How were they?
  18. Richland looked pretty cool, they had a lot of cool dances. I think Austin had a worse run in finals then in prelims but it was still good nonetheless. Dawson's show was really good and clean and sounded great, honestly surprised they didn't get first. There's a prelims video of Clements on YouTube and a bunch of other videos on their website. I was able to watch North Shore and they were really good I just didn't understand the concept of the show. Lafayette looked like they had a cool show I dont know how clean they were or how they sounded.
  19. Do you think the outcome was at it was predicted to be or did it turn out a little different? Which of the finals bands could've done better and which were outstanding?
  20. I know its 1 for every 5 bands that make it to area so around 6 or 7?
  21. This is a video of Austin's show from last Tuesday:
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