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Everything posted by littlejaw

  1. Wakeland: The Road to Make Believe Lots of wind and cloud props. Blue and white Glue and flugel solos to start the show. Phenomenal tones. Guard costumes are every color as are the drums. Grooving piano leads into a woodwind feature, and first hit. Some good sound coming from the group, a good moving trombone musical line. Some good visual execution early with the curvilinears. The low end of the ensemble is coming throw and supporting the sound. Solid. Nice rifle toss. Hats getting taken off by the ensemble. Jackets come off and have a a sashed undershirt. Build in ballad gets a little off timing wise but picks up for the last hit, visuals are hitting nicely. Need more in the brass push and the release is sloppy. Can be cool late season. That was a nice bass run. Percussion grooving and playin better than Marcus to me. A dance section by the rest of the ensemble. There we go woodwinds some notes, wish it was longer. The interjecting brass hits are not together losing some of the effect. I wish this show had Pure Imagination as the ballad. The ending isn’t clean enough to top Marcus, but will have a chance by the end of the years
  2. Marcus Lewisville Aledo Berkner The Colony Forney
  3. Marcus: Renaissance Colors are...unique, highlighter orange and yellow. A very Marcus opening. Bowed vibes and a woodwind quintet, visual ensemble left. First hit can use a lot more sound. Band looks smaller this year. The color guard is very good, with the flags and rifle work, pretty much a given when your guard is world class? Maybe their open. The sound is very subdued, but time is of course impeccable. Trombone soloist, very nice playing. Percussion feature it’s very clean, but actually seems quite easy/reserved. Give the players some more notes to ram and play through the drum more. Taking a note from Broken Arrrow, guard in a connected black skirt. The band plays like a concert ensemble for sure. Far more reserved and deliberate. In the end, it’s well above average but lacks any of the Marcus Sparkle. The band will place well at lots of contests, but I’m not sure winning is in the picture for the show design.
  4. Lewisville Aledo Berkner The Colony Forney
  5. I just lost all of my Lewisville comments. But the show is about Water. The play great, and move well. The impacts have punch and sustain. They were leading up right to the big hit in Niagara Falls, played the first note and cut it off. Pardon my French but Blue. Balls. It was a really nice show. That closer can be fire.
  6. 1a. Aledo 1b. Berkner 3. The Colony 4. Forney
  7. Berkner: Breathe Guard in yellow, red purple and white. Pizza wedge platforms that will probably get pushed together later in the show, scatter the field. A stage behind the front ensemble. And a red tarp that will be pulled down the 50. Correction there are 9 of them. Breathe in. Breathe out. Some light ha ha ha ha that reminds me of crown. First big hit of the night. A dark chord that resolves major. Come on mellos, just a little more in that rip. Flute solo into a grove. Band is dancing in pods. Lots notes getting laser around. Band builds into a hit, not as tight as the first. The flute soloist is also a visual soloist. Some nice movement, a little lost how the breathe works I. This movement. Nice visual in and off the 50 by the ensemble. Lowbrass some nice sounds on the stage as he props come together. Another hide and seek? Actually it’s watcha say the derulo song. Nice impact, a “screaming” trumpet could be cool later in the season. There will probably be a cool closer, but the show just ended abruptly.
  8. 1. Aledo 2. The Colony 3. Forney
  9. Aledo: Imagine The band has the same hoods that Regiment had this past season. And they also have goggles. Virtual reality goggles on the scrims across the front and back. Like green and blue are the main colors. Ready Player One vibes. Powerful toms in the pit to start the show. Needs just a little better lead up, but a great first hit, with a little pure imagination in it. Some light up gloves in the performer. Some movement is happening, jazz runs and blocks moving together. Passing the rhythm around, woodwind feature with some notes flying. Brass interjections on peaceful playing from the front. Some good visual moments for later in the year, that just aren’t clear yet. Lots of GE so far. Pure imagination solo played by a flugelhorn. A unique arrangement in the accompaniment. The hit comes, need some more from the low end to fill out the sound. Pop of pink in the guard in the middle. Good crescendo in the ballad there. Little grove from trombone trumpet and sax, feeling this playing. Probably have a good jazz program, ensemble dance behind. Nice finish from the band. GLADOS sounds like she’s narrating a little. A little mark time to finish the show, with step outs. Probably will have a really nice ending when it’s end. Band gives you a glimmer of loud right at the end. I want more (loudest so far).
  10. 1. The Colony 2. Forney So far.
  11. The Colony: They Walk Among Us. A green city skyline on the left side of the field. The Band walks out casually from behind the props. New World symphony. Good 4 mallet to start the show. Grooving. Good trumpet horns up, to lead us into a hit. WITH AN AWESOME BOX ROTATION, GIVE ME THAT DEMAND! Lots of feet in the sound, but the members have a good show written for them Passing around of the sound between sections, showing off what they have. Percussion gettin in on the action. Some good traditional marching moves. Good musical effect to the end of the movement. Tango time, the song from inferno. Low brass and guard dancing. Solid soprano sax. Some nice effect here, loses a little momentum in the middle, but the ending is nice with simultaneous demand. Give me more brass impact in the ballad. Get it soprano soloist. Solid show design, when clean it can be an awesome show.
  12. Construct. Gear scrims are every ten yards, only 2 yards wide. Blue prints. Guard starts the show with here jabberwocki (spelling?) masks. Two trombones and a sax at the front for a trio it seems. Actually later in the show. They have a Vienna Teng. They seem like machines starting up for the day. Soloist to open the show, right in the middle on one of the scrims. Lots being asked of by the performers at the start, moving playing, visual, etc. good first hit effect. Percussion is actually well integrated. Front ensemble is playing some notes and sounds decent. We need more of that in high school band. Lots of features being passed around, timing could be more tight. Guard is doing some nice work on rifle and flag. Clarinet family playing of hide and seek I think? Maybe the teng. Masks are off the guard, and full guard dance section. The ballad had moments to shine, but the impacts aren’t hit hard enough. The drum line is playing some driving stuff. Into the Trombone duo playing the Philip Graham the Cavaliers played this last year. Ensemble timing is off here. Band break down section, and here is the actual sound. We need more of that in other places. A build for a big push at the end, pretty good. Some achievement issues that will come with time. A very decent concept with some nice implementation.
  13. I’m going to try and keep one long post per Band now. Sorry for the spam y’all.
  14. The ballad has a lot of potential for effect, the sustain has a lot of dropouts but could be really awesome. Students ha w some good musical moments to achieve but need to go for it a bit more. And that’s the show for trinity.
  15. Horns have all gone down, a mic’d flute solo with the guard in front. Couldn’t find the clarinet soloist for a second, may need to rework that staging. Nice lush sounds in the ballad, just wish there was more to it.
  16. Woodwind feature while the brass runs around, not as technical as most. But well played. At holds the band sustains well. Get that on the move and they will be in good shape.
  17. Building to a big hit. That pays off nicely musically, could use more visual effect leading in. Good mello sustain, chills from this dci guy. Nice color pop from the flags, staging is lackluster though. Lots of butterfly imagery.
  18. A slow backfield brooding opening. Quite a few members look lost at the start but then recover. Flute trio to get us going. Lots of pod work early.
  19. Trinity: Has an offset pit, on side 1 20 to 35 with a damp stage that weaves through the front ensemble. Show colors are black and white. Looks to be a woodwind tri, on the stage, to start the show. Second Nature is the show title.
  20. Trinity is up first in exhibition.
  21. It’s band time in Texas. Good luck to all. I will be giving my honest and encouraging opinions on each group.
  22. I apologize for seeing Marcus at BOA Southlake and calling the show boring. There have been an enumerate amount of additions that make that show pop. Also a far better performance than what was put on at San Antonio, looks like top half of finals is in their grasp. #TeamTexas (#TeamTexAvon)
  23. Not a Championship show to me, but I can't see them not medalling.
  24. Well I was pulling for Roma and its good to know that it was just one terrible judge that kept them out of finals. So there goes another year where no South Texas or West Texas bands make finals.
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