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JeremiahW last won the day on December 5 2021

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About JeremiahW

  • Birthday 10/11/1996

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    Nashville, Tennessee

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  1. I'm told there's some sort of narration that wasn't happening? Might add some clarity.
  2. Prelims Schedule 9:15 Troy, TX 9:30 Summit, TX 9:45 Waller, TX 10:00 Midlothian, TX 10:15 Aledo, TX 10:30 Johnson (Buda), TX 10:45 Cedar Park, TX 11:00 Hendrickson, TX 11:15 Break 12:00 Dripping Springs, TX 12:15 Anderson, TX 12:30 Memorial, TX 12:45 McCallum, TX 1:00 W.E. Boswell, TX 1:15 Colleyville Heritage, TX 1:30 Veterans Memorial, TX 1:45 Rock Hill, TX 2:00 Break 2:30 John B. Connally, TX 2:45 Burleson, TX 3:00 Liberal Arts/Sci Acad., TX 3:15 Lamar, TX 3:30 Creekview, TX 3:45 Rouse, TX 4:00 Burleson Centennial, TX 4:15 James Bowie, TX 4:45 Prelims Awards Ceremony
  3. I'll give a shameless plug for the recaps on HornRank. They are sorted with ordinals which make it a little bit easier to digest. You can view them at http://hornrank.com/results
  4. Has anyone heard how the split is affecting them so far? Lucy Beckham High School opened Fall 2020 with freshmen and sophomores only, and will add the junior class this fall.
  5. I love that we can tag people @LeanderMomma. I'm gonna use that feature all the time to drag @principalagent!
  6. Yes! This is Moe & Gene Johnson's first year. I believe the school doesn't even have a football team yet, just a band. The football program isn't starting until 2020, but they went ahead and started the band program in 2019.
  7. TCGC and NTCA also canceled
  8. medaling gets you automatically promoted to world it's a catch 22
  9. dang, I really thought it would pass. As Kathy said in her interview with Dan, it was recommended by a Dave Glasgow-led taskforce and the entire board of directors. From what I've heard, directors believe the incorporation of woodwinds is only a matter of time, but want more time to plan and discuss implementation options. I wouldn't be shocked to see a limited proposal (like the last minute 8 woodwinds only proposal) that does pass next year and full inclusion a few years later. It's still just ridiculous to me that a corps could legally march 153 ewi's and an electric guitar soloist, but can't have an acoustic violin or saxophone.
  10. It's going to pass. It was proposed by DCI board president Kathy Black, because most corps representatives were too scared of the backlash to propose it themselves. I doubt you'll see many corps implement it this season, and those who do will probably only have a soloist or duet. I for one would much rather hear an actual woodwind instead of more synthesizers mimicking woodwinds. I'm not sure if we'll ever see marching woodwinds like at the high school level — the instruments simply can't live up to a summer of drum corps. I imagine woodwind players will be treated much like most drum corps have treated vocalists in past years. They'll use recordings for daytime rehearsal and only be outside in the elements during ensemble.
  11. he'll be at san antonio either way though
  12. When should I expect my royalty check?
  13. https://twitter.com/HornRank/status/1195045702373691399
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