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Everything posted by JeremiahW

  1. I'm told there's some sort of narration that wasn't happening? Might add some clarity.
  2. Prelims Schedule 9:15 Troy, TX 9:30 Summit, TX 9:45 Waller, TX 10:00 Midlothian, TX 10:15 Aledo, TX 10:30 Johnson (Buda), TX 10:45 Cedar Park, TX 11:00 Hendrickson, TX 11:15 Break 12:00 Dripping Springs, TX 12:15 Anderson, TX 12:30 Memorial, TX 12:45 McCallum, TX 1:00 W.E. Boswell, TX 1:15 Colleyville Heritage, TX 1:30 Veterans Memorial, TX 1:45 Rock Hill, TX 2:00 Break 2:30 John B. Connally, TX 2:45 Burleson, TX 3:00 Liberal Arts/Sci Acad., TX 3:15 Lamar, TX 3:30 Creekview, TX 3:45 Rouse, TX 4:00 Burleson Centennial, TX 4:15 James Bowie, TX 4:45 Prelims Awards Ceremony
  3. I'll give a shameless plug for the recaps on HornRank. They are sorted with ordinals which make it a little bit easier to digest. You can view them at http://hornrank.com/results
  4. Has anyone heard how the split is affecting them so far? Lucy Beckham High School opened Fall 2020 with freshmen and sophomores only, and will add the junior class this fall.
  5. I love that we can tag people @LeanderMomma. I'm gonna use that feature all the time to drag @principalagent!
  6. Yes! This is Moe & Gene Johnson's first year. I believe the school doesn't even have a football team yet, just a band. The football program isn't starting until 2020, but they went ahead and started the band program in 2019.
  7. TCGC and NTCA also canceled
  8. medaling gets you automatically promoted to world it's a catch 22
  9. dang, I really thought it would pass. As Kathy said in her interview with Dan, it was recommended by a Dave Glasgow-led taskforce and the entire board of directors. From what I've heard, directors believe the incorporation of woodwinds is only a matter of time, but want more time to plan and discuss implementation options. I wouldn't be shocked to see a limited proposal (like the last minute 8 woodwinds only proposal) that does pass next year and full inclusion a few years later. It's still just ridiculous to me that a corps could legally march 153 ewi's and an electric guitar soloist, but can't have an acoustic violin or saxophone.
  10. It's going to pass. It was proposed by DCI board president Kathy Black, because most corps representatives were too scared of the backlash to propose it themselves. I doubt you'll see many corps implement it this season, and those who do will probably only have a soloist or duet. I for one would much rather hear an actual woodwind instead of more synthesizers mimicking woodwinds. I'm not sure if we'll ever see marching woodwinds like at the high school level — the instruments simply can't live up to a summer of drum corps. I imagine woodwind players will be treated much like most drum corps have treated vocalists in past years. They'll use recordings for daytime rehearsal and only be outside in the elements during ensemble.
  11. he'll be at san antonio either way though
  12. When should I expect my royalty check?
  13. https://twitter.com/HornRank/status/1195045702373691399
  14. It is unclear how long that long-term deal is. DCI recently announced a contract extension through 2028. MFA only recently announced future dates for 2021 and 2022. This time last year, they only had future dates through 2020, so it does seem like their contract is a bit closer to one or two years at a time, instead of 10 years at a time like DCI's. I'm not saying they'll be moving Grand Nationals anytime soon, but I don't know if they're quite as locked in to Indianapolis as everyone thinks.
  15. Semifinals isn't going to happen next year. BOA doesn't want to lower the prestige of Grand Nationals by making San Antonio into a three round competition. I think the biggest dynamic for San Antonio 2020 depends on the date! We know UIL will be held Nov. 2–4, but San Antonio dates haven't been confirmed yet. If it is actually held Nov. 6–7 as the rumor mill is spreading, then that really could change what groups we see at San Antonio, since it doesn't conflict with 3A and 5A Area preferred dates, but it could also see fewer 6A bands since they aren't getting that extra run in the dome right before state. If it is instead held Oct. 30–31, the weekend before UIL, then yeah it'll still be crazy as always, but without those 5A bands and with fewer 11 minute shows than this year because it's a 6A state year.
  16. Originally, the invitation was for the national champion. In 2013, that shifted to highest placing band in finals that didn't decline the invitation, and I believe at some point since then has shifted to highest placing semifinalist band that opted in. In the past few years, there's actually a TOR commitment form directors submit before the event confirming their interest in being selected. I'm like 95% sure that the invitation is still for the highest placing band that opts-in, perhaps that's highest placing band in semis now. Here's the past recipients: 2020: Dobyns-Bennett (10th in finals, 2018) 2019: Flower Mound (5th in finals, 2017) 2018: Ronald Reagan (7th in finals, 2016) 2017: Broken Arrow (1st in finals, 2015) 2016: William Mason (5th in finals, 2014) 2015: Round Rock (4th in finals, 2013) 2014: Carmel (1st in finals, 2012) 2013: Broken Arrow (1st in finals, 2011) 2012: Avon (1st in finals, 2010) A couple of incorrect statements here. There are lots of bands that participate in the parade each year, including many who are regular BOA participants but get invited through the regular selection process instead of through the grand nationals invitation. There have also been a huge number of bands that participate in BOA events that were invited to the Rose Parade prior to the agreement with BOA in 2010 to begin sending the grand national champion each year. Dobyns-Bennett has never marched in the Rose Parade as the band invited at grand nationals. They will be doing that for the first time in 2020. Each of their past appearances were through TOR's normal application and selection process. I really doubt TOR would continue inviting them back again and again if they a really TOR hasn't ever replaced the selected band with another band. When Allen made the trip in 2016, William Mason also made the trip that they were invited to from grand nationals in 2014.
  17. i'm very excited for this, can't wait to get to meet so many of you!
  18. full recaps from prelims and finals are available on HornRank's results page
  19. haha, I do have spreadsheets and spreadsheets of information like this, but they're a few years out of date, and we frequently never know what class a band is in during any given year until they're announced winning a prelims award or until we see the recaps. Like this year we were shocked to hear Blue Springs in AAA at Cedar Falls.
  20. I'd also point out that FloMo has won San Antonio each and every year they've won DFW, so you can go ahead and mark down San Antonio champion as Flower Mound.
  21. So excited for this show! This will be my third year coming to Austin, and it is by far my favorite outdoor regional of the season.
  22. We can always do like they did last year and compress it to a 12-minute interval, squeezing all of finals into just 2 hours!
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