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Everything posted by KinDallas

  1. I'm wondering about Hebron and Marcus, too.
  2. This contest is going to be a shootout and no mistake. I'll be eating tums on the bus on the way down...
  3. Marcus stopped their closer in the middle. Same reason. : )
  4. PrODDIgy eeked out a place above Flower Mound at Grand Nats, too. Heck, they were 3rd at prelims (over Avon). That was a fun show. But yes, I read the judging criteria for Duncanville and it combines certain marching and music scores to determine GE, rather than GE being judged as a separate category. That makes it a little hard to predict.
  5. So, everyone remind me, it’s 7 bands from each panel, right?
  6. . That’s gonna be a rough trip. It’s senior night at Marcus that Friday, and I’m pretty sure Hebron has a game, too. Man, I wish anyone outside a two hour radius could go after noon. I understand the fairness issue, but what a beatdown.
  7. Also, as an aside, I can’t figure out in post quotes on my phone. Y’all bear with me.
  8. Someone fell during Marcus’s show in prelims. She got right back up and into the form, but that may be the issue. Also, I think the FloMo/Hebron gap is weird, but my friends there said finals was a particularly rough run for them. Given that, FloMo isn’t a 2.35 point higher band. They just had a better night.
  9. Marcus put 3/4 on. That’s actually a lot for them this point in the season (Part one is really long).
  10. Gotcha—I follow now. Still, Marcus’s crazy super slide in diagonals was pretty cool.
  11. So what do you find “unsafe” visually? Marcus has some crazy drill and a lot of bodywork. Not sure I know the difference. Honest question.
  12. So I didn't witness this, but one of our band medics had to step in to help. At a contest to remain nameless, there are these holes, I'm assuming for posts, in the concrete on the parking lot probably to block traffic when needed. That day, the holes were open. A band was marching ahead of ours, and not seeing the danger, a girl's foot went down a hole. Let's just say immediate, serious first aid and an ambulance was needed.
  13. Yes...I more meant, I don't know what Owasso looks like this year, so I can't prognosticate too far...but Wakeland did well at HEB, and there was some good competition there.
  14. If we're talking making finals...I don't know enough about the out of state bands to be too accurate, but they did well at HEB, so I think there's a chance they'll march at night this week.
  15. Keller, GE, Music, 82.75 Marcus: CG, Perc., Visual....wait for it...82.65 Pretty dang close given the captions.
  16. Props to everyone in the afternoon block for surviving! I know got those uniforms are hot.
  17. Yes, I think so. Level of difficulty is about the same or a touch higher (as in: music and drill are as difficult as you'd expect from Marcus), but the look and feel is different--more in touch with the theme. Somewhat abstract, but still accessible...I guess that's how I'd put it. The students and parents are really excited about it. We'll see how it's received at HEB this week.
  18. Marcus's show is pretty cool. Lots of DCI influence, with tough drill, and the music is really bright and lovely. At very least it's a good preview of what to expect in the Jones era.
  19. The schedule is in: https://marching.musicforall.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2019/09/Dallas-Prelim-Schedule-09-16-19.pdf?fbclid=IwAR152DyS8Q6Q7hM0JTKgvf8UssYBhieEvF0KlHcUfXr6D4jxRFhHNA8KnLE
  20. Exactly. This needs to happen. It’ll elimate one “I didn’t like that” opinion from the the queue.
  21. I feel this so hard right now. My calves may not be the same after this weekend.
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