Okay, so that I've played:
O Magnum Mysterium - But, as was mentioned, it is INCREDIBLY boring to play. But it's so beautiful!
An American Elegy - Again, beautiful. Quite powerful...
Festive Overture - Fun to play. And listen to.
Engima Variations - Wow. It was amazing to play...
Irish Tunes from County Derry - It's a powerful thing to play when you're in 7th grade...
Third Suite - Okay, so most people end up strongly disliking it. But it was fun to play.
Polovestian Dances - I LOVED it.
1812 Overture - Too bad we didn't use a cannon...
I can't think of any more that I've played that I really liked. Maybe later.
Okay, that I like to listen to:
The Planets - How can you not like it? (Except for Jupiter. I'm kind of sick of it. [i auditioned for drum major with it])
Rite of Spring - I play bassoon.
Their Blossoms Down - Again, bassoon.
Adagio for Strings - And, part of our show music came from it...
I can't think of others. Again, maybe later.
Oh, and no offense to anyone, but I strongly disliked Easter Monday on the White House Lawn...